What Do I Need To Know Before Getting Nano Extensions?

Artikkelin lukuaika - 8 Mins

What Do I Need To Know Before Getting Nano Extensions?

If you've been thinking about getting nano ring hair extensions for a while, you're not alone. With so many options available, choosing the right type of extensions can be overwhelming, especially when considering price and long-term commitment. Nano ring hair extensions, in particular, are growing in popularity, but you might be wondering: What exactly are nano ring hair extensions? How much do nano hair extensions cost? And, How will your styling routine change after getting them?

In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about nano rings, including how to install nano ring hair extensions, how they work and how to properly care for them, ensuring you’re fully prepared for your new look!

The Product: What Are Nano Ring Hair Extensions?

If you’re not already filled in, nano ring hair extensions are a form of professional permanent hair extensions – and a popular choice for adding length and volume to natural hair. Additionally, nano rings blend seamlessly with natural hair, providing a more natural look and feel compared to other types of extensions. Their flexibility and versatility also make them great for wearing your hair in an updo. This results in extensions that are not only comfortable but also less visible, which enhances their overall aesthetic.

Nano bonds are also another amazing option available on the market and are known for being slightly more secure than nano rings. Unlike metal nano rings, nano bonds are topped with a transparent, flexible silicone tip, each strand will grip to your own hair much more efficiently. They remain the most miniscule attachment system for hair extensions and provide double the discretion.

The Application: How To Install Nano Ring Hair Extensions

These extensions are applied using tiny, discreet nano beads that are much smaller than traditional micro rings, making them less noticeable and perfect for people with fine or thinner hair. The application process involves using a small loop tool to attach individual strands of hair to your natural hair, securing them with a tiny metal bead. Because the rings are smaller and lighter, they cause less stress on the natural hair, which makes them an ideal choice for those with finer hair types.

What sets nano ring extensions apart from other methods is their subtlety, lightness, and there’s no glue or heat used during installation. If you’re a nano extension newbie or a stylist in training and wondering how to do nano ring hair extensions in a reasonable amount of time, the application process typically takes 2-4 hours depending on how many extensions are needed, and it’s crucial to ensure proper maintenance throughout their wear.

Regular checks are essential to make sure the beads remain secure as your natural hair grows. If installed and maintained correctly, nano ring Remy hair extensions can last 2-3 months before needing a full refit, offering a longer-term solution to hair lengthening.

The Washing: How To Wash Nano Hair Extensions?

Knowing how to wash nano hair extensions is critical to ensuring their longevity and maintaining a healthy appearance. Start by using our sulphate-free Deep Moisture Shampoo, as sulphate can strip both your natural hair and extensions of essential oils. It's important to be gentle when washing, avoiding vigorous scrubbing or pulling, as this can cause tangling and stress on the beads.

When applying our Deep Moisture Conditioner, make sure to focus on the mid lengths and ends of the extensions rather than the roots or beads. Conditioning the roots or beads can weaken the bead’s grip on the hair, causing the extensions to slip or loosen prematurely. After washing, gently detangle with our hair extension-friendly brush that can be used on wet hair as well as dry. When your hair is still damp, avoid tugging or brushing it too aggressively.

For long-lasting results, it’s also a good idea to avoid washing your extensions too frequently, as over-washing can strip away moisture and lead to premature damage. We recommended washing your hair 1-2 times per week maximum. Browse our blog How Often Should You Wash Hair Extensions? For everything you need to know about your new hair wash routine.

The Routine: How To Sleep With Nano Ring Hair Extensions?

When it comes to sleeping with nano ring hair extensions, it's essential to establish a proper routine that helps prevent tangling and protects the beads. Before bed, it’s recommended to gently brush your hair with our detangling hairbrush to remove any knots and tangles. Braid your hair loosely or tie it up in a low loose ponytail to prevent friction and reduce the risk of the extensions shifting.

You can also invest in a silk or satin pillowcase, as these materials help minimise friction, preventing hair from becoming tangled or damaged during sleep. Another option is to wear a hair wrap to keep the hair in place and further reduce the chances of the extensions shifting or becoming tangled. Proper sleep routines are key to prolonging the life of your nano ring extensions and ensuring they stay in place. For a full guide on how to protect your hair while you sleep, you can explore our latest blog.

The Aftercare: How To Maintain Nano Ring Hair Extensions?

Maintaining nano hair extensions involves several important practices that help preserve their look and longevity. First, scheduling regular maintenance appointments is crucial. Every 6-8 weeks, your stylist should check your extensions and push up any loose strands and replace any worn beads, they will also reapply any extensions you may have lost since your application. This is known as a maintenance appointment, after 12 weeks you should have a full reposition or refit where the extensions are fully removed and reapplied. Regular maintenance ensures the extensions remain secure and do not cause unnecessary tension or damage to your natural hair.

In between professional visits, it's important to be gentle with your hair. Always use our wide tooth comb or detangling hairbrush designed for extensions to detangle hair without causing breakage. Keep your hair moisturised and remember to use our Heat Protection Spray before using heated styling tools. Additionally, be mindful of products you use on your extensions – always avoid overly rich oils or creams that might loosen the beads.

Common Mistakes When Using Nano Hair Extensions

A few common mistakes can hinder the performance and longevity of your nano ring hair extensions. One of the most frequent issues is improper washing techniques. Using products with sulphates or conditioning the beads directly can cause them to loosen or slip, leading to extensions that don’t last as long as they should. Another mistake is neglecting regular maintenance appointments. If you fail to have the beads adjusted as your hair grows, it can put unnecessary stress on the natural hair and cause damage. Additionally, neglecting to properly protect your hair while sleeping or styling it too aggressively can lead to tangles, breakage, or slipping.

Cost Breakdown for Nano Ring Hair Extensions

When asking how much do nano hair extensions cost? it's important to consider all the factors involved in the overall cost. The initial installation typically ranges from £200 to £600, depending on the length and volume of the extensions you choose, as well as the salon you visit. The cost of nano ring hair extensions can vary based on the quality of the hair and the number of extensions needed.

In addition to the initial installation, you should also account for regular maintenance, which can cost anywhere from £60 to £150 per session. Maintenance appointments are necessary every 6 to 8 weeks to adjust the beads and keep the extensions in place, along with a full refit every 12 weeks. High-quality hair extensions, such as Remy hair, can also increase the overall cost, but the quality and durability of the extensions makes it one thousand times worth it and a better investment in the long run.

A Comparison of Nano Ring Extensions with Other Types

Nano ring extensions have a few distinct advantages when compared to other methods, such as micro ring extensions or tape-ins. Nano rings are smaller and less noticeable than micro rings, which makes them an ideal choice for those looking for a more discreet look. They also tend to be gentler on fine hair because of their lighter weight, reducing the risk of damage. Tape-in extensions, on the other hand, require a different method of application and are better suited for those looking for quick, semi-permanent results, while clip in hair extensions can be removed and reapplied immediately.

One major difference is that nano rings don’t require any heat or glue for application, which makes them a preferred choice for those seeking an gentler option. Micro rings also use beads but are slightly larger and can sometimes be more visible, whereas nano rings provide a more seamless and natural look.

By understanding the differences between nano rings and tape ins, as well as clip-in hair extensions and other methods, you can make an informed decision about which hair extension type best suits your needs.


When considering nano ring hair extensions, be sure to factor in both the initial cost and regular maintenance for long-lasting results. Our expert team is here to help you choose the right extensions and care routine for your needs. With the right products and care, your extensions will look gorgeous every day.

Here at Cliphair, we have a wide variety of luxury clip in extensions, as well as professional options like permanent extensions. Choose from our extensive collection of clip ins, tapes, weaves, nano rings and more for a jaw dropping transformation either at home or in your salon. All of our clip in and professional hair extensions range are high quality human hair extensions, meaning they are made from 100% Remy human hair and are some of the finest available on the market. Whatever you decide, you’ll always be making the right choice with Cliphair. 


Mitä ovat Nano-hiuspidennykset?

Nano-laajennukset ovat eräänlainen hiustenpidennys, jossa käytetään pieniä, huomaamattomia helmiä yksittäisten hiussäikeiden kiinnittämiseen luonnollisiin hiuksiisi. Nämä pienet helmet ovat paljon pienempiä kuin perinteiset mikrosormukset, joten ne ovat loistava valinta niille, jotka etsivät hienovaraisempaa ja luonnollisempaa ilmettä. Nanopidennykset ovat kevyitä, miellyttäviä, sulautuvat saumattomasti luonnollisiin hiuksiisi ja sopivat täydellisesti ohuille ja ohuille hiuksille, erityisesti hiukset ylhäällä.

Kuinka kauan nanolaajennukset kestävät?

Elinikä riippuu hiustenpidennysten laadusta ja niiden hoidosta. Oikein käytettynä ja hoidettuna meidän Nano Ring -hiustenpidennykset pitäisi voida käyttää uudelleen 6-12 kuukauden ajan säännöllisellä huollolla 6-8 viikon välein.

Soveltuvatko nanopidennykset kaikille hiustyypeille?

Kyllä, nanopidennykset sopivat erityisen hyvin ohuille tai ohuille hiuksille. Helmien pieni koko mahdollistaa hienovaraisemman ja kevyemmän kiinnityksen, mikä vähentää niiden vaurioitumista. Paksummat tai karkeammat hiustyypit vaativat kuitenkin enemmän pidennyksiä pituuden muuttamiseksi, joten ne voivat sopia paremmin mikrorenkaisiin, teippiins tai kutoo.

Vahingoittaako nanopidennykset luonnollisia hiuksiani?

Ei – oikein käytettynä ja ylläpidettynä nanopidennykset eivät saa vahingoittaa luonnollisia hiuksiasi. Ne eivät käytä lämpöä tai liimaa, mikä vähentää vaurioiden riskiä. Virheellinen asennus tai huolto-ohjeiden noudattamatta jättäminen, kuten helmien siirtämisen laiminlyönti hiusten kasvaessa, voi kuitenkin johtaa luonnollisten hiusten sotkeutumiseen tai rasitukseen.

Kuinka valitsen oikean sävyn nano-pidennyksilleni?

Jotta voit valita oikean sävyn nanopidennyksillesi, on tärkeää sovittaa pidennykset mahdollisimman tarkasti luonnolliseen hiusväriisi. Jos olet epävarma, voit pyytää apua meiltä ilmainen express värinsovituspalvelu saumattoman sekoituksen varmistamiseksi. Yhdistä aina hiustesi keskipituisiin ja latvoihin parhaan tuloksen saavuttamiseksi.

Etsitkö virheetöntä, salonkitasoista hiusta ilman, että budjetti kärsii? Cliphairilla meillä on sinut katettu ylellisillä klipsipidennyksillä nopeisiin muunnoksiin ja pysyville hiuspidennyksille kuten teippipidennyksille, nano-renkaille ja kudontapidennyksille pitkäkestoista loistoa varten. Pidennykset vaativat erityistä hoitoa ja ylläpitoa.
säilyttääksemme niiden laadun, minkä vuoksi meillä on kaikki huippuluokan kosteuttavat hiustenhoitotuotteet, välttämättömät tarvikkeet ja huoltotarvikkeet, joita tarvitaan tyylisi ylläpitämiseen.

Tarvitsetko täydellisen sävyn? Selaa koko valikoima ihmishiuspidennyksiämme yli 70 rikkaassa, silkkisessä sävyssä tai tutustu ILMAISEEN Pikaväriottelupalveluumme varmistaaksesi saumattoman yhdistämisen joka kerta. Keskustele ystävällisten asiantuntijoidemme tiimin kanssa, joka ottaa sinuun yhteyttä täydellisen sävyn kanssa alle 48 tunnissa, tai selaa Lookbookiamme nähdäksesi uusimmat hiustyylit Cliphair-yhteisön käytössä. Nopeasta pituudesta pitkäaikaiseen volyymiin, Cliphair on sinun valintasi hiuksille, joissa on poikkeuksellinen laatu ja loputtomat mahdollisuudet! 

Authored By Heather Collier
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