How Much Do Hair Extensions Cost? - The Ultimate Guide

Artikkelin lukuaika - 6 Mins

How Much Do Hair Extensions Cost?

Hair extensions have become an essential part of the modern beauty toolkit, transforming looks instantly with length, volume, and even colour. Whether you're seeking the glamorous drama of long locks or just adding subtle volume, hair extensions offer limitless possibilities. But there's one pressing question that often comes to mind: how much do hair extensions cost? The truth is, prices can vary widely depending on the type, material, and method of installation – but don’t worry! We’ve have compiled a handy guide to answer the most pressing questions in the hair extensions community. From budget-friendly clip-ins to luxurious permanent hair extensions, understanding the factors behind the price tags is key to choosing the perfect Cliphair set of your dreams!

Average Price Range of Hair Extensions

The cost of hair extensions fluctuates significantly depending on the type of extension, the quality of hair, and the installation process. Below is a breakdown of the most popular types of extensions on the market today, with price ranges to give you a clearer picture of what you can expect of the hair price (not including installation fees for professional ones):

Hair Extensions Type Cliphair Price Range
Clip In Hair Extensions £60 - £149
Tape In Hair Extensions £84 - 119
Permanent Hair Extensions £84 - £219

Each type offers its own unique benefits, from the ease of use with clip-in hair extensions to the natural look of permanent extensions. But as we delve into the specifics of hair extensions pricing, you'll see that factors like material, length, and quality play a major role in determining the final cost. Most permanent extensions will require more than one pack of extensions depending on what you’re using them for and what look you’re trying to achieve.

Type of Hair Extensions

When it comes to hair extensions cost, the type you choose will be a primary factor in pricing. Understanding the differences in material, quality, and the overall look they provide is crucial for finding the right match for both your hair and budget. Clip in extensions are typically a one-off cost as they don’t require a stylist’s help, however permanent extensions have ongoing costs such as maintenance and removal appointments. 


One of the most significant factors affecting the hair extensions price list is the type of hair used. The choice between synthetic and human hair greatly impacts both the cost and the longevity of your extensions.

  • Synthetic Hair: Synthetic hair extensions are great for those seeking a temporary change; however, they can lack the natural look and feel of real hair, and they aren’t as durable. Expect to pay less, but also expect a shorter lifespan.
  • Human Hair: For a more luxurious, longer-lasting look, our human hair extensions are the go-to. They can be styled with heat, dyed, and blended seamlessly into your natural hair. Human hair extensions come with a higher price tag, but their natural appearance and versatility make them worth the investment. 
  • Single Drawn vs Double Drawn Hair: The difference between double-drawn and single-drawn hair extensions lies in their thickness and uniformity from root to tip. Single-drawn extensions are less processed, containing a mix of different hair lengths in each bundle, resulting in thinner ends and a more natural, layered look. In contrast, double-drawn hair extensions are more heavily processed to remove shorter strands, ensuring that more of the hairs are the same length. This creates a much fuller, more consistent thickness. Due to this extensive processing, double-drawn extensions are typically more expensive than single-drawn ones due to the extra work involved in crafting the hair for a more voluminous look.

Hair Grade

The quality of the hair itself, often referred to as the grade, significantly affects how much you’ll pay. Remy hair extensions, known for being the highest quality human hair, ensure that all the cuticles are aligned in the same direction, resulting in a smoother, tangle-free appearance. Luxury hair such as AAAAA grade is made from a better, raw material, meaning it has a longer life span than lower grades such as AAA. When it comes to hair grade, the higher the quality, the higher the price, however it is considered cost effective as it tends to last much longer.

Length and Volume

As you might expect, the longer and thicker the hair, the higher the price. If you’re dreaming of mermaid-length tresses or dramatic volume, be prepared to pay more. This is especially true for professional hair extensions that are customised to blend perfectly with your natural hair. Our extensions go up to 26 inches in length, making your locks sway with every step. For extra volume, you can explore our Ultra Volume Clip Ins, perfect for extravagant events like proms, graduations, weddings or even red carpets.

Colour & Customisation 

If you're going for a striking ombre, balayage, or multi-tonal extensions to match a specific shade, the price will naturally rise. Light coloured or highlighted extensions require extra processing, which adds to the overall cost. If you’re feeling a little more daring, our Funky Shades collection allows you to take your customisation up a notch, offering you a rainbow of possibilities.

Brand & Quality

Our hair extensions are known for their superior quality, better durability and a more natural appearance, which makes a strong case for investing in reputable, high-quality Remy AAAAA grade extensions.

One-Time vs. Long-Term Costs

The initial price of hair extensions is only part of the story. While it’s tempting to focus on the upfront cost, it’s important to consider long-term maintenance and care, especially if you opt for human hair extensions or permanent extensions.

  • One-Time Purchase: Clip in extensions or synthetic options typically come with a one-time purchase price and minimal maintenance, making them budget friendly.
  • Long-Term Investment: On the other hand, permanent or semi-permanent extensions such as tape-ins or bonded extensions require regular upkeep. Professional hair extensions may need to be replaced every 6 to 12 months, and you'll need to factor in additional costs for professional reapplication every 6-12 weeks, as well as any treatments needed. Maintenance costs for professional hair extensions can add up, but they help to preserve the quality and longevity of your extensions.

How to Choose the Right Extensions for Your Budget

Selecting the perfect set of extensions is about finding the balance between your desired look and your budget. Here’s how to narrow down your options:

  • Clip-in Hair Extensions: If you’re looking for flexibility and affordability, clip in hair extensions are your best bet. They are perfect for occasional use and don’t require salon visits for installation, making them an excellent choice for those who want to change up their look without the commitment.
Hair Extensions Darkest Brown Extra thick
  • Tape-in Hair Extensions: For a more permanent option that’s still relatively affordable, tape-in hair extensions are a great middle ground. They offer a seamless look and last several months with proper care, though they do require professional installation. Super quick application also means less time in the chair, another reason for their appeal, and also making them cheaper than other permanent methods.
tape in hair extensions ice blonde
  • Other Permanent Extensions: If you’re ready to invest in a long-term solution, other permanent extensions like nanos, i-tips and weaves deliver unparalleled thickness and volume. While these will demand both a higher upfront cost and regular maintenance, the results are unmatched.
Medium Brown (#4) Nano Hair Extensions


No matter your budget, there’s a hair extension solution for everyone. From affordable clip-ins to luxurious permanent options, you can easily find extensions that fit both your financial and beauty needs at Cliphair. The online route offers an accessible, cost-effective alternative to salon-purchased extensions, with the added benefits of discounts, bundle deals, and convenient shipping. Ready to transform your look? Shop our affordable, high-quality hair extensions at Cliphair and find the perfect match for your style, without breaking the bank.


Mitä hiustenpidennykset maksavat?

Tyypillinen hiustenpidennyksen hinta voi vaihdella huomattavasti tyypin, laadun ja käyttötavan mukaan. Lisäkustannukset sisältävät hakemusmaksut, ylläpidon ja muotoilun.

Kuinka paljon hiustenpidennykset maksavat Isossa-Britanniassa?

Hiustenpidennysten hinta Isossa-Britanniassa riippuu useista tekijöistä, kuten pidennysten tyypistä, laadusta, pituudesta ja siitä, valitsetko ammattimaisen sovituksen. Clip-in hiustenpidennykset vaihtelevat tyypillisesti 50–300 puntaa, koska ne ovat väliaikainen vaihtoehto, jota voidaan käyttää kotona. Teippaavat laajennukset, jotka ovat puolipysyviä ja vaativat ammattikäyttöä, maksavat yleensä 150–600 puntaa, mukaan lukien asennus. varten nano-renkaan pidennykset, jotka ovat myös puolipysyviä ja vaativat ammattimaisen asennuksen, hinnat vaihtelevat yleensä 200–800 puntaa pituudesta ja laadusta riippuen.

Kuinka paljon ihmisen hiustenpidennykset maksavat?

Ihmisten hiustenpidennykset ovat yleensä kalliimpia kuin synteettiset hiustenpidennykset niiden luonnollisen ulkonäön ja tuntuman vuoksi. Hinta voi vaihdella riippuen ihmisen hiusten pituudesta, laadusta ja tyypistä, kuten neitsyt- tai Remy-hiukset. Asennustapa, esim nauhat, kutoo, tai joukkovelkakirjat, vaikuttaa myös hintaan.

Mikä vaikuttaa hiustenpidennysten hintaan?

Hiustenpidennysten hintaan vaikuttavat useat tekijät, mukaan lukien hiusten tyyppi, hiusten laatu, pidennysten pituus ja volyymi sekä levitystapa. Myös stylistin asiantuntemus ja maantieteellinen sijainti voivat vaikuttaa kokonaiskustannuksiin, sillä ammattikäyttöön tarkoitettu sovellus ja vaativat alueet ovat yleensä kalliimpia.

Maksavatko pidemmät hiukset enemmän?

Kyllä, pidemmät hiukset maksavat yleensä enemmän. Koska pidemmät pidennykset vaativat enemmän hiuksia halutun ulkonäön saavuttamiseksi, niiden hinta on yleensä korkeampi kuin lyhyemmät pidennykset. Lisäksi pituuden lisääminen saattaa vaatia enemmän aikaa ja taitoa oikeaan asennukseen, mikä voi nostaa kokonaiskustannuksia.

Etsitkö virheetöntä, salonkitasoista hiusta ilman, että budjetti kärsii? Cliphairilla meillä on sinut katettu ylellisillä klipsipidennyksillä nopeisiin muunnoksiin ja pysyville hiuspidennyksille kuten teippipidennyksille, nano-renkaille ja kudontapidennyksille pitkäkestoista loistoa varten. Pidennykset vaativat erityistä hoitoa ja ylläpitoa.
säilyttääksemme niiden laadun, minkä vuoksi meillä on kaikki huippuluokan kosteuttavat hiustenhoitotuotteet, välttämättömät tarvikkeet ja huoltotarvikkeet, joita tarvitaan tyylisi ylläpitämiseen.

Tarvitsetko täydellisen sävyn? Selaa koko valikoima ihmishiuspidennyksiämme yli 70 rikkaassa, silkkisessä sävyssä tai tutustu ILMAISEEN Pikaväriottelupalveluumme varmistaaksesi saumattoman yhdistämisen joka kerta. Keskustele ystävällisten asiantuntijoidemme tiimin kanssa, joka ottaa sinuun yhteyttä täydellisen sävyn kanssa alle 48 tunnissa, tai selaa Lookbookiamme nähdäksesi uusimmat hiustyylit Cliphair-yhteisön käytössä. Nopeasta pituudesta pitkäaikaiseen volyymiin, Cliphair on sinun valintasi hiuksille, joissa on poikkeuksellinen laatu ja loputtomat mahdollisuudet! 

Authored By Heather Collier
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