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Shade Of The Week: Light Auburn Is A Redhead Superstar!

Welcome to our Shade of the Week spotlight on Light Auburn! At Cliphair, we're excited to delve into the captivating world of this gentle, natural red shade. Join us as we explore the allure of Light Auburn, reminiscent of romantic redwood forests and beach days. Discover styling tips, celebrity inspiration, and more as we celebrate this exquisite, discreet type of red hair extensions.

1. Light Auburn Hair Extensions: Sunkissed Redhead

We thought of the natural glamour of redheads and what happens when their beautiful hair colour gets kissed by the sun; this is how our Light Auburn shade was born! Designed for those redheads who won't renounce to a sunkissed vibe during summer, and that want to make the most out of their red hair during the rest of the year, too. Light Auburn is a quiet, lowkey creamy shade that reflects the light like nothing else.

2. Light Auburn Hair Extensions: Availability

You can now get Light Auburn on any type of hair extensions within our range:

  • Nano Rings Hair Extensions
  • I-Tips Hair Extensions
  • Tape-In Hair Extensions
  • Remy Clip-In Human Hair Extensions
  • Seamless Clip-In Real Hair Extensions
  • Wrap Around Clip-In Ponytail Hair Piece
  • Quad Weft 
  • Remy Royale Double Drawn Weave
  • Curly Clip-In Hair Extensions

This means that you can play around with this shade on a more permanent level - such as with Nano Rings Hair Extensions and also find a match with a product that allows you to switch things up more often - such as clip-in hair extensions and even a clip-in ponytail!

But let’s move on to who wears this shade, and how does it look in real life?

red hair extensions

3. Light Auburn: Celebrity Colour Match

Summery, romantic and adventurous: red is the colour for people that reject labels, break the mould and naturally stand out. Actresses, models and influencers have embraced the redhead style with class and glamour by wearing their hair in the colour Light Auburn. A few examples? Think of runway besties Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner!

When talking redheads and Light Auburn hair, it's impossible not to think of Jessica Chastain too, whose naturally red locks go through multiple transformations over time, with her stylists trying to enhance her natural beauty.

4. Light Auburn Hair Extensions: The Perfect Hairstyles

There are many ways that you can wear your hair extensions in, and red shades, in general, do work really well with braided hairstyles and waves, for example. Let’s see three hairstyles that will bring Light Auburn to life like no one else!

Hollywood Waves

This glamorous hairstyle sees your hair crimped in glossy, soft waves. It’s a beautiful, timeless classic that has been trending in Hollywood and the celebrity showbiz for a long time - hence the name! With this bright, vivid shade of red, Hollywood waves will stand out and give a diva effect that is going to be hard to forget.

Perfect for: square face shape, oval face shape

Twisted Half-Up, Half-Down

There’s something incredibly romantic and even a bit historical about a twisted half-up, half-down hairstyle on bright red hair. After all, there’s a reason if fairy-tales heroes such as Princess Fiona and Disney’s very own Merida have been designed with fiery tresses! If you have medium to long hair, you can achieve this hairstyle with the aid of real human hair extensions, for volume and length that will make you look like a real dragon-slayer.

Perfect for: diamond face shape, heart face shape, oval face shape

Double Plaits

This is the redhead look by definition - think of Anne with an E, Pippi Longstockings, and more recently Max Mayfield from Stranger Things (Season 4). Double plaits (you can also convert them into Dutch braids, or two French braids, or even fishtail braids) on a redhead give a unique sense of authenticity with a warming, rustic and boho-chic vibe.

Perfect for: oval face shape, round face shape

5. Light Auburn Hair Colour: Trends

Red hair has its own, unique energy - you cannot simply just dye your hair orange. Being a redhead is more than that, it’s a true lifestyle and there are different aesthetics that you can try and embrace as a redhead. When it comes to trends, it’s hard to know if they’re going to work out well on our hair, especially if we recently changed our hair colour, length and/or style. Luckily, there’s quite a few recent trends that will work wonders on bright red locks.

Money Piece Hair

Are you into chunky highlights? Then you will love this trend, coming back to us from the 90s queen, Geri Halliwell from Spice Girls. Geri has red hair, and bold face-framing highlights made the look quite iconic (so much that people are still wearing it thirty years later).

Butterfly Clips

I’m picturing: pale yellow and turquoise butterfly clips, in lovely contrast with the copper tone of your new hair. Think of them as a cute accessory for your half-up, half-down hairstyle - perhaps with the addition of a few crimped strands.

Retro Blowout

Big, 70s fluffy blowouts have been all the rage lately, and one of the biggest influences on #hairtok is, in fact, sporting gorgeous red locks. Is there anything else to add? Grab your round brush and blow-dryer: we're travelling back in time!

Watch on TikTok

6. Light Auburn Hair Extensions: Who Can Wear It?

This is always the one million dollar question: technically, the answer I would love to always give is “everyone can wear whatever they want”. Which is true, to an extent.

Light Auburn seems to be one of the few shades that can work with anyone’s undertone - if you’re unsure, you can always do the “white top test” and find out if this is the right Light Auburn Hair Extensions type for you. Click here to read more about how to choose a new hair colour.

7. Conclusion:

Cosy, bright and textured - Light Auburn exceeds any expectation, and by adding volume and length it can spice up your hair game like nothing else. What are you waiting for? Shop the our Light Auburn Hair Extensions

Not sure this is the colour for you? Then get in touch for a free colour-matching chat with our in-house hair experts.


Kyllä, voit värjätä vaaleat kastanjanruskeat hiuspidennykset tummempaan sävyyn käyttämällä puolipysyvää tai pysyvää hiusväriä. Suosittelemme ottamaan yhteyttä ammattimaiseen stylistiin saadaksesi neuvoja värin valintaan ja levitystekniikoihin, jotta saavutat haluamasi lopputuloksen.

Etsitkö virheetöntä, salonkitasoista hiusta ilman, että budjetti kärsii? Cliphairilla meillä on sinut katettu ylellisillä klipsipidennyksillä nopeisiin muunnoksiin ja pysyville hiuspidennyksille kuten teippipidennyksille, nano-renkaille ja kudontapidennyksille pitkäkestoista loistoa varten. Pidennykset vaativat erityistä hoitoa ja ylläpitoa.
säilyttääksemme niiden laadun, minkä vuoksi meillä on kaikki huippuluokan kosteuttavat hiustenhoitotuotteet, välttämättömät tarvikkeet ja huoltotarvikkeet, joita tarvitaan tyylisi ylläpitämiseen.

Tarvitsetko täydellisen sävyn? Selaa koko valikoima ihmishiuspidennyksiämme yli 70 rikkaassa, silkkisessä sävyssä tai tutustu ILMAISEEN Pikaväriottelupalveluumme varmistaaksesi saumattoman yhdistämisen joka kerta. Keskustele ystävällisten asiantuntijoidemme tiimin kanssa, joka ottaa sinuun yhteyttä täydellisen sävyn kanssa alle 48 tunnissa, tai selaa Lookbookiamme nähdäksesi uusimmat hiustyylit Cliphair-yhteisön käytössä. Nopeasta pituudesta pitkäaikaiseen volyymiin, Cliphair on sinun valintasi hiuksille, joissa on poikkeuksellinen laatu ja loputtomat mahdollisuudet! 

Authored By Brenda L.
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