How To Style Hair Bows

Artikkelin lukuaika - 5 Mins

How To Style Hair Bows

Hair bows have long been a beloved accessory, offering a delightful mix of charm and versatility that can transform any hairstyle. Whether you're aiming for a playful touch or a sophisticated statement, bows for hair are the perfect addition to both everyday looks and special occasions. These simple yet stylish accessories have the power to elevate your style, making them a must-have in any hair enthusiast's collection. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of tying a bow, incorporating bows into various hairstyles, and offer tips on how to style and maintain your bows with your hair extensions for a flawless finish every time.

Looking to complete your hairstyle with added volume or length? Check out our collection of clip-in hair extensions and tape-in hair extensions for a flawless look that pairs beautifully with hair bows!

How to Tie a Hair Bow

Classic Bow Tie Technique

The classic bow tie technique is a timeless way to add a bow to your Remy hair extensions, and it’s easier than you might think! Start by gathering your hair into the desired section, whether it's a ponytail, half-up style, or bun. Next, take your ribbon or bow and wrap it around the base of your hairstyle. Cross the ends of the ribbon to form a loop on one side, then do the same on the other side. Finally, pull the loops tight to form the bow, adjusting the size of the loops to your preference. For a neat and secure bow, make sure the ribbon is flat and smooth throughout the process, and finish with a gentle tug to tighten the knot.

Creating a Bow with a Ribbon

If you prefer creating a bow from scratch, using a ribbon offers endless possibilities for customisation. Start by cutting a piece of ribbon to the desired length, typically around 12-18 inches depending on the size of the bow you want. Fold the ribbon in half to find the centre, and then create two loops on each side of the centre point. Cross one loop over the other to form an ‘X’ shape, then pull the top loop under the bottom one to create a simple knot in the middle. Tighten the knot, adjust the loops to your liking, and secure the bow to your hair using a bobby pin or by tying it directly around your hair.

Hairstyles with Bows

Bow Hair Style for Casual Looks

For casual, everyday looks, hairstyles with bows can add a charming touch without being too overpowering. A classic ponytail instantly becomes more stylish with a bow tied around the base. For a coquette inspired look, try incorporating a bow into a loose braid – just tie a small bow at the end of your braid, or weave a ribbon through the braid itself. Another easy and chic option is a half-up hairstyle with a bow. Gather the top section of your hair, secure it with an elastic, and then tie a bow around the elastic for a cute and simple finish. @_mollybrooks_ achieves this look with our 22” Remy Royale seamless clip in hair extensions in Medium Brown

Elegant Bow Hairstyles for Special Occasions

When it comes to special occasions, bows can add an elegant touch to more formal hairstyles. A sleek updo with a bow placed at the nape of your neck exudes sophistication. For a modern twist, try a chignon with a delicate ribbon bow tied at the side or just above the bun. Sophisticated buns, whether high or low, can be elevated by wrapping a ribbon around the base and securing it with a bow. These bow hairstyles are perfect for weddings, parties, or any event where you want to make a statement.

Bows for Different Hair Types

Bows aren’t just for straight hair – they can be styled beautifully with any hair type. For curly or textured hair, choose a wider ribbon or a sturdier bow to ensure it stands out. When styling a bow in curly hair, consider placing it at the top of a voluminous ponytail or at the base of a half-up style. If you have fine hair, opt for smaller, lighter bows that won’t weigh your hair down. Straight hair pairs well with sleek bows, whether you’re wearing your hair down or in an updo. The key is to choose a bow that compliments your hair’s texture and volume.

Tips for Styling and Maintaining Hair Bows

Securing Bows in Place

One of the most important aspects of styling a bow in hair is ensuring it stays in place. For a secure hold, use bobby pins that match your hair colour to discreetly pin the bow in place. If you're tying a bow around a ponytail or bun, make sure the ribbon is snug but not too tight. For extra security, spritz the ribbon with a light hold hairspray before tying the bow, which will give it added grip. Avoid using slippery materials for your bows, especially on fine hair or near the attachment of professional hair extensions, as they are more likely to slip out.

Maintaining and Cleaning Bows

To keep your hair bows looking fresh and new, it's important to care for them properly. Most fabric bows can be gently hand washed with mild soap and water. After washing, lay the bow flat to dry, reshaping it as needed to maintain its structure. For bows with delicate details or embellishments, spot cleaning is the best option. When not in use, store your bows in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight, to prevent fading and wear. @shaunacannell achieves her Christmas bow hairstyle above using our popular 20” Double Weft Clip Ins in the shade Biscuit Blondey Balayage


An adult hair bow is an incredibly versatile accessory that can add both charm and sophistication to your hairstyles. Whether you're looking for a playful everyday look or an elegant style for a special occasion, there’s a bow hair style to suit every need. By following the tips and techniques outlined in this guide, you can master the art of how to tie a hair bow and incorporate it into any hairstyle, no matter your hair type or texture!

Don’t forget to explore our extensive range of Clip In Hair Extensions, Tape-In Hair Extensions, and other permanent extensions to complete your look. Whether you opt for clip in extensions or permanent hair extensions, we’ve got you covered at Cliphair. With the perfect bow and the right human hair extensions, your hair will always look its best!


Sido hiusrusetti turvallisesti kokoamalla hiuksesi poninhäntään tai kohtaan, johon haluat asettaa rusetin. Aseta sitten rusetti hiusten ympärille ja sido se solmuun tai kiinnitä se hiussideellä. Varmista, että solmu tai solmio on riittävän tiukka, jotta jousi pysyy paikallaan luistamatta.

Erityyppiset rusetit täydentävät erilaisia ​​kampauksia. Pienet rusetit sopivat täydellisesti puoliylöstyyliin tai lyhyisiin hiuksiin, keskikokoiset rusetit sopivat hyvin poninhännön ja punosten kanssa, ja suuret rusetit ovat ihanteellisia luomaan ilmettä nuttureilla tai solmuilla.

Kyllä, hiusrusetteja voidaan käyttää sekä arki- että muodollisissa olosuhteissa. Rentoja tilaisuuksiin sopivat kangas tai yksinkertaiset rusetit, kun taas muodollisiin tapahtumiin satiiniset tai koristeelliset suuremmat rusetit voivat lisätä hienostuneisuutta ja eleganssia.

Muotoile rusetti lyhyille hiuksille leikkaamalla pienen rusetin pään sivulle tai taakse, johon hiukset luonnollisesti kerääntyvät. Tämä luo söpön ja kiillotetun ilmeen, joka sopii täydellisesti lyhyisiin kampauksiin.

Parhaat tuotteet pitämään hiusrusetit paikoillaan ovat neulat, vahvat hiussiteet ja kevyesti pitävä hiuslakka. Nämä työkalut auttavat varmistamaan jousen ja estämään sitä liukumasta koko päivän ajan.

Etsitkö virheetöntä, salonkitasoista hiusta ilman, että budjetti kärsii? Cliphairilla meillä on sinut katettu ylellisillä klipsipidennyksillä nopeisiin muunnoksiin ja pysyville hiuspidennyksille kuten teippipidennyksille, nano-renkaille ja kudontapidennyksille pitkäkestoista loistoa varten. Pidennykset vaativat erityistä hoitoa ja ylläpitoa.
säilyttääksemme niiden laadun, minkä vuoksi meillä on kaikki huippuluokan kosteuttavat hiustenhoitotuotteet, välttämättömät tarvikkeet ja huoltotarvikkeet, joita tarvitaan tyylisi ylläpitämiseen.

Tarvitsetko täydellisen sävyn? Selaa koko valikoima ihmishiuspidennyksiämme yli 70 rikkaassa, silkkisessä sävyssä tai tutustu ILMAISEEN Pikaväriottelupalveluumme varmistaaksesi saumattoman yhdistämisen joka kerta. Keskustele ystävällisten asiantuntijoidemme tiimin kanssa, joka ottaa sinuun yhteyttä täydellisen sävyn kanssa alle 48 tunnissa, tai selaa Lookbookiamme nähdäksesi uusimmat hiustyylit Cliphair-yhteisön käytössä. Nopeasta pituudesta pitkäaikaiseen volyymiin, Cliphair on sinun valintasi hiuksille, joissa on poikkeuksellinen laatu ja loputtomat mahdollisuudet! 

Authored By Heather Collier
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