The Truth About Hair Growth Myths Fact VS Fiction

Artikkelin lukuaika - 6 Mins

The Truth About Hair Growth Myths: Fact VS Fiction

Hair growth myths have been passed down through generations, often leading to misconceptions and ineffective hair care practices. Whether it's the idea that trimming your hair will make it grow faster or that stress causes immediate hair loss, these myths can steer you away from the truth. Understanding what really works is essential to achieving healthy, luscious hair and hair extensions. In this guide, we will debunk some of the most common hair growth myths, including hair hacks that claim they know how to stimulate hair growth, and provide you with factual information to improve your hair care routine. Ready to discover the truth about hair growth? You can also visit our hair care collection page for products scientifically designed to enhance your hair’s health!

Common Hair Growth Myths Debunked

Myth 1: Trimming Your Hair Makes It Grow Faster

Hair beign trimmed

A lot of us are eager to understand how to promote hair growth, and one of the most pervasive hair myths we seen online today is that frequent trimming will make your hair grow faster. The truth is, hair growth begins at the scalp, not at the ends. Trimming your hair does not influence the rate at which it grows. However, regular trims are essential for maintaining hair health by preventing split ends, which can travel up the hair shaft and cause breakage. While trimming won’t accelerate growth, it will keep your hair looking healthy and full, allowing you to grow it longer without damage. If you’re struggling to grow your hair naturally, you can always opt for our clip in hair extensions. Not only are they easy to apply at home, but they also add instant length and volume to your tresses without any heat, glue or salon maintenance!

Myth 2: Brushing Your Hair 100 Strokes a Day

Hair being brushed

The idea that brushing your hair 100 strokes a day will make it grow faster is another common hair care myth. Excessive brushing can actually do more harm than good. While gentle brushing helps distribute natural oils from the scalp down the hair shaft, too much brushing can lead to breakage and cause greasiness, especially if you’re using a brush with stiff bristles. To promote hair growth and maintain healthy hair, opt for gentle brushing with our detangling hairbrush and wide-tooth wave comb. Use both on wet and dry hair to prevent damage.

Myth 3: Hair Growth Supplements Are a Magic Solution


Many people turn to hair growth supplements in hopes of achieving long, thick hair quickly. While certain supplements can support hair health, they are not a magic solution. The effectiveness of hair growth supplements depends on various factors, including your diet, overall health, and the specific nutrients you might be lacking. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is crucial for promoting hair growth. Instead of relying solely on supplements, focus on eating a variety of nutrient-dense foods to support your hair growth naturally.

Myth 4: Shampooing Less Frequently Makes Hair Grow Faster

Deep moisture shampoo

Some believe that washing your hair less frequently will encourage it to grow faster, but this is yet again one of the biggest hair care myths. Hair growth is determined by the hair growth cycle explained by your genetics and health, not by how often you wash your hair. However, regular shampooing is essential for keeping your scalp clean and healthy, which in turn supports hair growth. A dirty scalp can lead to clogged follicles and poor hair growth. Use our gentle deep moisture shampoo to maintain a clean, healthy and hydrated scalp, and healthy, sleek clip ins and permanent extensions. For a more extensive look at how to wash and care for your extensions, you can explore our guide: How Often Should You Wash Hair Extensions?

Myth 5: Stress Causes Immediate Hair Loss

Hair loss

While stress can have an impact on hair health, it does not cause instant hair loss. The relationship between stress and hair loss is more complex. Prolonged or severe stress can disrupt the hair growth cycle, leading to a condition known as telogen effluvium, where more hairs enter the shedding phase than usual. However, this doesn’t happen overnight. Managing stress through healthy lifestyle practices like exercise, mindfulness and proper sleep can help maintain your hair's health and prevent stress-related hair issues over time. If you believe you’re suffering from hair loss, particularly in your twenties, our latest blog Hair Loss In Your 20s: Everything You Need to Know is here to walk you through common signs of hair loss, solutions and ways of maintaining and restoring your hair’s health, while also educating you on the possible reasons behind your hair loss. Here at Cliphair, we care deeply about our customers’ confidence when it comes to your locks. Our customer service team are always on hand to give you advice on hair maintenance, shades, styles and more!

Facts About Hair Growth

The Hair Growth Cycle

Hair being brushed

Understanding the hair growth cycle is key to knowing how hair growth really works. The cycle has three main stages: anagen (growth phase), catagen (transitional phase), and telogen (resting phase). The length of your hair is determined by the duration of the anagen phase, which can last between two to seven years. After the anagen phase, hair enters the catagen phase for a few weeks, followed by the telogen phase, where the hair eventually sheds. This cycle repeats itself, with each follicle operating independently, meaning you always have hair at various stages of growth.

Factors Influencing Hair Growth

Ingredients that help with hair growth

Several factors influence hair growth, including genetics, diet, hormones, and overall health. Genetics play a significant role in determining the length of the anagen phase and, consequently, how long your hair can grow. Hormones, particularly those related to thyroid function and pregnancy, can also impact hair growth. Additionally, a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, like iron, zinc, and vitamins A, C, and E, is crucial for supporting healthy hair growth. Proper hydration and regular exercise also contribute to maintaining healthy locks.

Effective Hair Care Practices

Deep moisture hair care products

To support healthy hair growth, it’s essential to adopt effective hair care practices. Start with a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Proper hydration is also vital, as water helps to keep your hair and scalp hydrated. Handle your hair gently, especially when it’s wet, and avoid excessive heat styling or chemical treatments that can cause damage. If you plan on using heated tools regularly, make sure to use a few spritzes of our heat protection spray before styling. Incorporating our Quench The Thirst haircare collection will also nourish your hair and make a significant difference in the long run due to its natural ingredients and lack of sulphates and parabens. Consider using our luxury human hair extensions, specifically our clip-in hair extensions to enhance your natural hair without causing any damage, all while creating instant length and volume!


Debunking common hair myths is essential for anyone seeking to improve their hair care routine and achieve healthy hair growth. Understanding the facts about hair growth, from the importance of the hair growth cycle to the role of genetics and diet, empowers you to make informed decisions. Remember, there’s no magic solution for instant hair growth, but with the right knowledge and care, you can support your hair’s natural growth process effectively!

Whether you opt for clip in extensions or permanent hair extensions, Cliphair have got you covered. If you’re looking for a long term, more permanent solution, our luxury range of professional hair extensions, including nano rings, tapes, weaves and I-tips are all Remy hair extensions, meaning they are made from 100% Remy human hair, and are of the highest quality. Shop now to enhance your look!


Saako toistuva leikkaus todella hiukset kasvamaan nopeammin?

Toistuva leikkaus ei suoraan nopeuttaa hiusten kasvua. Säännöllinen leikkaus auttaa kuitenkin ylläpitämään hiustesi terveyttä estämällä katkenneita latvoja, mikä voi vähentää katkeilua ja antaa ajan mittaan terveempien, pidempien hiusten ulkonäön.

Voivatko tietyt ruoat tai ruokavaliot kiihdyttää hiusten kasvua?

Kyllä, tasapainoinen ruokavalio, jossa on runsaasti vitamiineja ja kivennäisaineita, voi tukea tervettä hiusten kasvua. Ruoat, jotka sisältävät runsaasti proteiinia, rautaa, biotiinia, omega-3-rasvahappoja ja A-, C- ja E-vitamiinia, kuten munat, pähkinät, pinaatti ja kala, voivat edistää hiusten vahvuutta ja terveyttä.

Miten stressi vaikuttaa hiusten kasvuun?

Stressi voi vaikuttaa negatiivisesti hiusten kasvuun aiheuttamalla olosuhteita, kuten telogen effluviumia, jolloin hiukset siirtyvät ennenaikaisesti lepovaiheeseen ja irtoavat helpommin. Pitkäaikainen stressi voi myös johtaa merkittävämpiin hiustenlähtöön, kuten hiustenlähtöön.

Onko olemassa todistettuja menetelmiä hiusten kasvun nopeuttamiseksi?

Vaikka ei ole taattua tapaa nopeuttaa hiusten kasvua merkittävästi, terveellisen ruokavalion ylläpitäminen, stressin vähentäminen, hellävaraisten hiustenhoitomenetelmien käyttäminen sekä lämpö- ja kemiallisten vaurioiden välttäminen voivat tukea optimaalista hiusten kasvua. Joidenkin hoitojen, kuten minoksidiilin, on kliinisesti todistettu stimuloivan hiusten kasvua tietyissä tapauksissa.

Kuinka usein minun pitäisi pestä hiukseni optimaalisen kasvun saavuttamiseksi?

Hiusten pesun tiheys riippuu hiustyypistäsi, päänahan tilasta ja elämäntavasta. Yleensä suositellaan pesua 3 päivän välein, jotta päänahka pysyy puhtaana poistamatta siitä luonnollisia öljyjä, jotka ovat välttämättömiä terveiden hiusten kasvulle. Ne, joilla on rasvainen päänahka, saattavat joutua pesemään useammin, kun taas kuivat hiukset voivat hyötyä harvemmasta pesusta.

Etsitkö virheetöntä, salonkitasoista hiusta ilman, että budjetti kärsii? Cliphairilla meillä on sinut katettu ylellisillä klipsipidennyksillä nopeisiin muunnoksiin ja pysyville hiuspidennyksille kuten teippipidennyksille, nano-renkaille ja kudontapidennyksille pitkäkestoista loistoa varten. Pidennykset vaativat erityistä hoitoa ja ylläpitoa.
säilyttääksemme niiden laadun, minkä vuoksi meillä on kaikki huippuluokan kosteuttavat hiustenhoitotuotteet, välttämättömät tarvikkeet ja huoltotarvikkeet, joita tarvitaan tyylisi ylläpitämiseen.

Tarvitsetko täydellisen sävyn? Selaa koko valikoima ihmishiuspidennyksiämme yli 70 rikkaassa, silkkisessä sävyssä tai tutustu ILMAISEEN Pikaväriottelupalveluumme varmistaaksesi saumattoman yhdistämisen joka kerta. Keskustele ystävällisten asiantuntijoidemme tiimin kanssa, joka ottaa sinuun yhteyttä täydellisen sävyn kanssa alle 48 tunnissa, tai selaa Lookbookiamme nähdäksesi uusimmat hiustyylit Cliphair-yhteisön käytössä. Nopeasta pituudesta pitkäaikaiseen volyymiin, Cliphair on sinun valintasi hiuksille, joissa on poikkeuksellinen laatu ja loputtomat mahdollisuudet! 

Authored By Heather Collier
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