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Get that look: The Fancy Faux Bob

With another summer’s weekend coming up we all like to get a little bit glamorous and what era is at the heart of our glamspiration? The 20’s of course, inspiring amazing styles in: Downtown Abbey, Midnight in Paris, Some like it Hot and the Great Gatsby we all love the glitz at the glamour. Several things made this era the most stylish: the music, scandalous parties, the amazing flapper dresses, bold lipstick, amazing eyebrows but the most recognisable is, of course, the stunning 20’s bob hairstyle. We love our shaggy bobs and have modernised our styles a lot but when it comes to class, let’s go old school and do it 20’s style.



There is not point trying to create a wonderful evening look like this one if you are not going to put in the effort. So it is needless for me to say this is one that should not be tried in the bus. To get the best version you can wash you hair in the evening and allow it to dry naturally over night. We want your hair with as moisture and natural bounce as possible.


Morning Texturising

once your hair is nearly dry(probably in the morning) it is time to add the texture and body to your locks. If your hair is not as thick as you would like it to be clip in some extensions but try not to lengthen your hair if possible. Where the texturising is concerned we are going to rely on our trusty alcohol free mouse. Why alcohol free? It helps not dry out your hair and stops it from getting stiff and brittle.


Teased and tested

we don’t want to create an 80’s style backcombing extravaganza we do want to want to give your hair that thickness at the roots and ‘lifted’ they had in the 20’s. This should hold because of the mouse but to add that extra oomph lightly scrunch your hair after teasing it.



Separate your hair in half, down the middle, and secure the sections with hair ties (make sure that your hair ties are in line with your neck). Next loop the ends up in the direction of your head and tuck them into the hair tie. This is the perfect way to measure how long you want your bob to be.


The final touches

this last step is what makes the look. Gently tug the back of your pigtails to that the back sections blend together. You may need to use a comb to smooth over the part. Pin your loops so they are securely in place and so that it conceals the loops. Now you have the basic shape of your faux bob all that is left to do is to spritz it with some good hairspray and add feather bower or diamanté hair accessory. This look will wow your friends whether you are going to a nice dinner, fancy dress or amazing cocktail party.

The post Get that look: The Fancy Faux Bob appeared first on Hair Extensions News.

Etsitkö virheetöntä, salonkitasoista hiusta ilman, että budjetti kärsii? Cliphairilla meillä on sinut katettu ylellisillä klipsipidennyksillä nopeisiin muunnoksiin ja pysyville hiuspidennyksille kuten teippipidennyksille, nano-renkaille ja kudontapidennyksille pitkäkestoista loistoa varten. Pidennykset vaativat erityistä hoitoa ja ylläpitoa.
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Authored By Cliphair Extensions
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