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#healthyhair Why Pre-Shampoo Is So Important

If you’ve never heard of pre-shampoo before, it’s time for a little lesson. This wonder stuff – which is affectionately known as ‘pre-poo’ – will give your hair a shine and vitality that you didn’t know was possible. And, because you can make your own pre-shampoo from ingredients that you’ve got in fridge, it doesn’t have to cost you a penny.

The most important reason to pre-shampoo is the fact that washing hair, even while it boosts health in some areas, strips it away in others. This is particularly true for ladies who wash multiple times per week. Over washing eliminates essential natural oils and can leave tresses feeling dry and straw like. If you use pre-poo before washing, however, you’re adding extra moisture and preserving all of that good stuff.

Keep reading to find out more about why you should add pre-shampoo to your daily washing and conditioning routine.

What Is Pre-Shampoo?

The foundation of all good pre-shampoo is a healthy, natural oil. The most popular choices are coconut and olive oil, which are sold as part of commercial hair care products in stores. So, you can head out to your local supermarket and pick up a pre-poo oil with no trouble at all. Or, if you’re feeling a bit crafty and fancy saving some money, you can create your own unique haircare blend. Honey, natural yoghurt, mashed bananas, and avocado are all great options. They are added to a carrier oil (like coconut or olive), in order to form a rich and nutritious deep conditioning treatment. Shea butter is another wonderful option and it comes highly recommended for girls with very curly hair, as it defines all of those ringlets and adds plenty of moisture.

Why Should I Use Pre-Shampoo?

Well, besides adding a tonne of extra moisture and making sure that the lengths don’t dry out, pre-shampoo gently detangles and restores the hair. It’s kind of like a spa day for your tresses. They get pumped up, shined out, and thoroughly nourished. In the west, we’re fixated with the idea that hair needs to be washed every other day, but it simply isn’t true. In fact, we’re only just starting to understand that impeccably clean hair doesn’t necessarily mean healthy hair. On the other hand, lots of people can’t live comfortably without a regular wash. They feel greasy and don’t like the way that their hair looks when unwashed. So, essentially, pre-shampoo is a good way to bridge that gap and enjoy the best of both worlds.

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How Do I Use Pre-Shampoo?

Now for the easy part. All you have to do to reap the benefits of a nurturing pre-poo blend is hop into the shower. Section your hair into four parts and apply the blend along the divides. Then, gently bring your hair back together and massage it into your scalp. Cover with a shower cap (or hop back out of the shower) and let your pre-shampoo rest for 15-30 minutes. While it is easier and simpler to stick to quite a short treatment, if you use natural ingredients and a suitable carrier oil, there’s no reason why you can’t leave pre-shampoo on overnight. It won’t cause any damage to your locks. To remove, just rinse thoroughly as you would any other kind of shampoo. Follow the process with your regular washing routine.

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The post #healthyhair Why Pre-Shampoo Is So Important appeared first on Hair Extensions News.

Ψάχνετε για άψογα, κομμωτηριακού επιπέδου μαλλιά χωρίς να σπάσετε την τράπεζα; Στο Cliphair, έχουμε αυτό που χρειάζεστε με πολυτελή clip-in extensions για γρήγορες μεταμορφώσεις και μόνιμες επεκτάσεις μαλλιών όπως tape-ins, nano rings  και weaves για μακροχρόνιο γκλάμ. Οι επεκτάσεις απαιτούν ειδική φροντίδα και συντήρηση.
για να διατηρήσουν την ποιότητά τους, γι' αυτό έχουμε όλα τα  υψηλής ποιότητας ενυδατικά προϊόντα περιποίησης μαλλιών, βασικά αξεσουάρ και απαραίτητα προϊόντα συντήρησης που χρειάζεστε για να διατηρήσετε το στυλ σας στην κορυφή.

Χρειάζεστε τη τέλεια απόχρωση; Περιηγηθείτε στη πλήρη γκάμα από ανθρώπινες επεκτάσεις μαλλιών σε πάνω από 70 πλούσιες, μεταξένιες αποχρώσεις ή ελέγξτε την ΔΩΡΕΑΝ Υπηρεσία Χρωματικής Αντιστοίχισης για να εξασφαλίσετε μια αψεγάδιαστη συγχώνευση κάθε φορά. Συνομιλήστε με την ομάδα φιλικών ειδικών μας, οι οποίοι θα επικοινωνήσουν μαζί σας με μια τέλεια αντιστοίχιση σε λιγότερο από 48 ώρες, ή περιηγηθείτε στο Lookbook μας για τις τελευταίες τάσεις μαλλιών που φορούν τα μέλη της κοινότητας Cliphair. Από άμεσο μήκος μέχρι μακροχρόνιο όγκο, η Cliphair είναι η επιλογή σας για μαλλιά με εξαιρετική ποιότητα και ατελείωτες δυνατότητες! 

Authored By Cliphair Extensions
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