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#hairgoals How To Get Sombre Hair

Over the last two years, there has been a lot of talk about sombre hair; how to get it, where to wear it, and who is doing it best. The problem is that not all girls have the freedom (or the cash) to keep up with such a high maintenance style. If you work in a very serious position or you can’t afford constant touch ups, ombre is probably something that you only consider with envy.

However, we have some good news for girls on a budget. There’s a new trend in town and it’s kind of like ombre hair, if ombre were sleeker, sexier, and more mysterious. The new style is called ‘sombre’ and it’s similar to its flirtier, bouncier sister, but the highlights are darker. The transition between tones is gentler and the overall effect is a little more grown up.

If you’re interested in trying sombre hair for yourself, read our handy guide to getting it right first time.

A photo posted by Jessica Biel (@jessicabiel) on


Getting to Grips with Sombre

For some style inspiration, check out Jessica Biel (above) Olivia Wilde (below). These lovely ladies have been fans of sombre hair for some time; they love stepping out with a darker colour that gently transitions to a lighter tone at the ends. You’ve got to remember that the secret to sombre hair is making sure that the colours aren’t too light. This makes it a really great choice for girls with dark hair who aren’t comfortable dying their locks with those light blonde balayage tones. The effect should be soft, blended, and less harsh than ombre. There should also be lots of texture and dimensions, so it’s best to wear your hair long for this one. If your natural tresses are quite short, you can always add length with hair extensions.

A photo posted by Olivia Wilde (@oliviawilde) on

Working Out How to Sombre the Right Way

To really nail that soft, subtle look, start up high with the colour. The dye should be first applied close to the roots; about two inches away is a good guide. This will help you to maintain depth and slowly brighten the hair as you reach the ends. It is entirely up to you whether you want to wear clip extensions while you dye or take them out and dye them in the sink. Stick to gentle, downward strokes and blend the colour.

You’re not aiming for blocks of colour, so avoid the temptation to rub it into the hair. Keep the front dark, but make sure that you’re not just adding dye to the bottom; the roots should be mostly dark too, but a very small amount of colour will be needed to connect them with the ends.

Getting the sombre look right can be tricky. Remember that it is always better to under dye than over dye. If you finish and the highlights are not pronounced enough, you can always go back and add more. On the other hand, if you daub the colour on, it’ll be harder to fix. You might want to get a friend to help you with the back section of your hair.

A photo posted by Anna Kendrick (@annakendrick47) on


Some Extra Hints and Tips

Once you’re happy with your homemade sombre highlights, head to the salon and get yourself a layered cut. This is a really wonderful way to show off sombre hair, because the layers allow more of the colour to be exposed. Long, undefined cuts place the highlights on top of one another, so the colour is not quite as head turning. If you’re not confident enough to dye your hair extensions, look for some clip in highlights that provide a blend of the sombre shades that you need. It might be tricky to get the combination of colours right at first, but a little patience goes a long way. And, with clip in extensions, you have the added benefit of not having to commit to one style; even if it as gorgeous as this.

A photo posted by Jessica Alba (@jessicaalba) on

The post #hairgoals How To Get Sombre Hair appeared first on Hair Extensions News.

Ψάχνετε για άψογα, κομμωτηριακού επιπέδου μαλλιά χωρίς να σπάσετε την τράπεζα; Στο Cliphair, έχουμε αυτό που χρειάζεστε με πολυτελή clip-in extensions για γρήγορες μεταμορφώσεις και μόνιμες επεκτάσεις μαλλιών όπως tape-ins, nano rings  και weaves για μακροχρόνιο γκλάμ. Οι επεκτάσεις απαιτούν ειδική φροντίδα και συντήρηση.
για να διατηρήσουν την ποιότητά τους, γι' αυτό έχουμε όλα τα  υψηλής ποιότητας ενυδατικά προϊόντα περιποίησης μαλλιών, βασικά αξεσουάρ και απαραίτητα προϊόντα συντήρησης που χρειάζεστε για να διατηρήσετε το στυλ σας στην κορυφή.

Χρειάζεστε τη τέλεια απόχρωση; Περιηγηθείτε στη πλήρη γκάμα από ανθρώπινες επεκτάσεις μαλλιών σε πάνω από 70 πλούσιες, μεταξένιες αποχρώσεις ή ελέγξτε την ΔΩΡΕΑΝ Υπηρεσία Χρωματικής Αντιστοίχισης για να εξασφαλίσετε μια αψεγάδιαστη συγχώνευση κάθε φορά. Συνομιλήστε με την ομάδα φιλικών ειδικών μας, οι οποίοι θα επικοινωνήσουν μαζί σας με μια τέλεια αντιστοίχιση σε λιγότερο από 48 ώρες, ή περιηγηθείτε στο Lookbook μας για τις τελευταίες τάσεις μαλλιών που φορούν τα μέλη της κοινότητας Cliphair. Από άμεσο μήκος μέχρι μακροχρόνιο όγκο, η Cliphair είναι η επιλογή σας για μαλλιά με εξαιρετική ποιότητα και ατελείωτες δυνατότητες! 

Authored By Cliphair Extensions
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