Beautiful beanie looks for winter

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Beautiful beanie looks for winter

For Aussie chicks, it may be all sun and surf but for the rest of us, it wouldn’t be Christmas without cool winds and snow is what Christmas is all about! The great thing is that your hair will be less dry now than it was in July but if you want to escape the frizz the only option is a beanie. Come on it is not a bad option, they are so cute and colourful. Wearing a beanie doesn’t mean having flat hair but working with your beanie rather than against it is essential. Keep reading to check out some of the hottest looks I have seen our Cliphair extensions babes sporting.

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Out and about beanie babe

this is so stunning and such a great look if you need to be out and about but you also want to look picture ready this season. If you are going to go out later or have hair that is particularly prone to frizzing then this look is for you. Create a centre parting and add some mouse to each half for extra bounce. Add you ombre clip in hair extensions to your halves now as well. Start with your right side and gather your hair at the nap or your neck. Divide your extra thick locks into three equal sections and create a loose french braid. The trick with this is to make sure that your braid is completely straight so I would say do this with a mirror so you can keep checking. Secure your braid with a clear hair band and evenly pinch each section so that it looks full and lovely. Repeat on the other side and spritz with hairspray to finish.

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Double Dutch

This is extremely similar to the last double braid but this time you are going to be creating a dutch braid instead. Dutch braids involve folding the parts under rather than over, which reveals more of the back section of your hair and creates body instantly. If you have tricolour hair extensions this is a brilliant way to show them off. If you are feeling particularly festive you could connect the two braids at the end with a red, green or gold ribbon, it will look so sweet.

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Luscious looking locks

If you want your hair to look full of life, I would say stay clear of straight hair with beanies. It will make your hair look flat and lifeless and no one has the time to keep flipping and shaking their hair every couple of hours. To create these luscious locks create a centre parting so you face looks symmetrical with a beanie on. Divide your hair into rows starting with the bottom, and use a 1-2 inch barrel to curl your row into small sections. When you release your hair from the barrel pin it against your head and spray it lightly with hairspray. This is so it will stay in shape whilst it cools. Continue to do this with the top row being at the back of your crown area. Once your hair is cool take out your pins and run your fingers through your hair to give your hair more subtlety with your curls. A sneaky trick is to put your beanie on and pin it into place under the ridge so it won’t budge. Shh, don’t worry I won’t tell if you won’t!

The post Beautiful beanie looks for winter appeared first on Hair Extensions News.

Ψάχνετε για άψογα, κομμωτηριακού επιπέδου μαλλιά χωρίς να σπάσετε την τράπεζα; Στο Cliphair, έχουμε αυτό που χρειάζεστε με πολυτελή clip-in extensions για γρήγορες μεταμορφώσεις και μόνιμες επεκτάσεις μαλλιών όπως tape-ins, nano rings  και weaves για μακροχρόνιο γκλάμ. Οι επεκτάσεις απαιτούν ειδική φροντίδα και συντήρηση.
για να διατηρήσουν την ποιότητά τους, γι' αυτό έχουμε όλα τα  υψηλής ποιότητας ενυδατικά προϊόντα περιποίησης μαλλιών, βασικά αξεσουάρ και απαραίτητα προϊόντα συντήρησης που χρειάζεστε για να διατηρήσετε το στυλ σας στην κορυφή.

Χρειάζεστε τη τέλεια απόχρωση; Περιηγηθείτε στη πλήρη γκάμα από ανθρώπινες επεκτάσεις μαλλιών σε πάνω από 70 πλούσιες, μεταξένιες αποχρώσεις ή ελέγξτε την ΔΩΡΕΑΝ Υπηρεσία Χρωματικής Αντιστοίχισης για να εξασφαλίσετε μια αψεγάδιαστη συγχώνευση κάθε φορά. Συνομιλήστε με την ομάδα φιλικών ειδικών μας, οι οποίοι θα επικοινωνήσουν μαζί σας με μια τέλεια αντιστοίχιση σε λιγότερο από 48 ώρες, ή περιηγηθείτε στο Lookbook μας για τις τελευταίες τάσεις μαλλιών που φορούν τα μέλη της κοινότητας Cliphair. Από άμεσο μήκος μέχρι μακροχρόνιο όγκο, η Cliphair είναι η επιλογή σας για μαλλιά με εξαιρετική ποιότητα και ατελείωτες δυνατότητες! 

Authored By Katie O' Connor
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