How Many Times Can You Dye Hair Extensions

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Can You Dye Hair Extensions?

With so many trendy hair colours popping up on social media, it’s no wonder you’re eager to learn how to dye your Cliphair hair extensions. The good news is, yes, you can dye hair extensions! However, the process might surprise you. Whether you're new to the world of hair extension dyeing or a seasoned trendsetter, this blog is packed with essential hair extension dyeing tips you need to know. Wondering how many times can you dye hair extensions without ruining their quality? We've got you covered!

Buying new real hair extensions every time you want to switch up your shade can be expensive, so it's smart to learn how to safely dye your human hair extensions without causing damage. And when it comes to finding the best hair extensions for dyeing, Cliphair’s high-quality extensions are designed to handle the process and stay gorgeous!

How Many Times Can You Dye Hair Extensions?

Of course, when you have an impressive array of over 70 shades available, we would always encourage you to get a fresh set of hair extensions that matches your new hair colour, rather than getting them dyed. And if you're finding it difficult, you can always resort to our FREE Colour Matching Service so that one of our team's experts can help you with a colour match. Why should you not dye your hair extensions? Well, the thing is, you technically can - like I said earlier - however, just like it happens with natural hair, chemically altering the colour or pattern of your hair extensions can become damaging over time. This can result in loss of shine, softness, and manageability in your tresses. 

How Many Times Can I Dye Hair Extensions

Remy extensions are already processed in order to achieve a certain colour and to align the cuticles for maximum silkiness and shine. Therefore, bleaching or lightening the hair in any way can negatively affect your extensions' quality and lifespan! On top of that, human hair extensions are not attached to your scalp, so they don't receive any nourishment or oils from it, meaning that you will need to pay extra attention to your tresses' care, focusing on hydrating products and regularly using hair oils or a good dose of Moisturising Silky Spray

The Hair Dyeing Process: Choosing Your Hair Dye

The more I work with hair extensions and the hair industry in general, the more I have realised that a lot of people have no clue what the hair dyeing process involves. Some think that it’s like “painting” on your hair, and that you can go from a dark brunette shade to bright red in one go without bleach or lightener. Some others, instead, are convinced that hair dye is just as damaging as bleach. So, what does dyeing your hair entail? Let’s find out together.

First things first, you need to know what type of hair dye you’re going for. There are three main categories: permanent, semi-permanent, and temporary.

Permanent Hair Dye

Permanent hair dyes are… well, permanent. This type of colouring penetrates the hair shaft and alter the natural pigmentation permanently. Ideal for those who are looking for a lasting change, and operate on oxidation. On top of that, permanent hair dye is perfect for covering stubborn greys! When working on human hair extensions permanent hair extensions are often used.

Semi-Permanent Hair Dye

Semi-permanent dyes offer a temporary change that will fade over time. These colours are usually ammonia-free and peroxide-free, and don’t really penetrate the hair shaft deeply. They can be used for a seasonal change that can be reverted quite easily afterward.

Temporary Hair Dye

Temporary hair dye is “fun for one day”. It can come in the form of sprays, colouring chalk, or even colouring conditioner. Usually washes away in one or a few more shampoos, depending on the product you’ve gone for. They are generally safe to use on hair extensions, although some shades may be staining on hair extensions that are particularly light in colour – such as in the case of platinum blonde hair extensions.

When selecting hair dye for human hair extensions, evaluate the texture, conditions, and colour of your hair extensions. Then, they will likely perform a strand test to see how your permanent hair extensions or clip in hair extensions react to the colour/brand they are willing to use. 

The Hair Dyeing Process: Application

Now that you’ve chosen your hair dye, it’s time for application. Depending on the dye job that you’re going for, different techniques (or a combination of two or more) can be employed to give you the expected results. Depending on what you’re going for, your stylist may decide to go for the traditional brush-on application – often the best option for precision! – or more modern approaches, such as dip-dye or even balayage.

Keep in mind that more often than not, you’ll see something on the internet that you’ll want to bring in as an image reference – however, before doing so, have a consultation and find out what techniques your local salon can and cannot offer. Do your research, and check salon social profiles and portfolios to see if they’ve ever created something similar to what you’d like to achieve!

The Hair Dyeing Process: Waiting Time

Once the hair dye is on, the processing time can vary depending on the type of dye used, the depth of colour, and sometimes it’s even specific to the brand. Generally speaking, most hair dyes now require around 30 to 45 minutes to process, whilst a toner can be left on for less – around 20 minutes. Sometimes, certain hair dyes require longer exposure time to set in – we’re talking hours! 

Aftercare and Maintenance: Quench The Thirst

hair products for hair extensions

Taking care of freshly dyed hair and hair extensions is quite easy: you just need to make sure you look after your tresses the right way! To preserve the colour vibrancy and health of your fresh hair extensions you should always use sulphate-free and paraben-free shampoos and conditioner. If you’re looking for the perfect set to wash and take care of your hair and hair extensions, look no further than the Quench The Thirst hair care collection!

Enriched with Shea butter, infused with Baobab seed oil and silk amino acids, the Quench The Thirst: Deep Moisture trio is what you need to keep your tresses soft, moisturised, shiny, and manageable. Starting with a 100% sulphate-free shampoo and conditioner duo and ending with a rich, thick hair mask powered by avocado oil, coconut oil, fig extracts and honey, this hair care trio will replenish the moisture level in your tresses like nobody else.

Make sure you reduce your use of heat-based styling tools – and every time you have to resort to your curling wand and flat iron, please spray your tresses with a generous dose of Heat Protection Spray first! 

Dyeing Hair Extensions Darker 

How Many Times Can You Dye Hair Extensions?
If you are wearing blonde hair extensions or any other light hair colours in your tresses, know thst you can happily go darker with the right type of hair dye. In terms of "how many times can you dye hair extensions", you can go up to three dye jobs on your Remy hair extensions and they should still be good to go. Going darker gives you quite a lot of freedom, and often pigmentation deposit from darker hair dye will help you replenish the hair fibres, preventing dryness and brittleness. Make sure that you wash, rinse, and properly condition your freshly dyed hair extensions after you have dyed them. When in doubt, ask a professional to do this for you! You can also take your clip in hair extensions to the salon for a dye job that matches your new colour. 


 How Many Times Can I Dye my Hair Extensions

Choosing a new hair colour can be quite a challenge, and that's why besides requesting some professional advice you should always try to understand your hair type, skin undertone, and face shape - so that you can achieve flawless and incredible transformations every time you feel like experimenting with your hair and hair colour. The same goes for human hair extensions after all, since they are meant to match your style. If you'd like to know more about this, check out our dedicated blog: How To Choose A New Hair Colour.

Can You Dye Hair Extensions Lighter?


dyeing hair etensions

Making your hair lighter involves the use of peroxides that are not suitable for hair extensions. During manufacturing, the virgin hair used to create hair extensions in different shades already goes through chemical processing that includes lightening/bleaching, and toning. Not only this: Remy hair extensions are also covered in a protective coat that keeps them shiny, soft, and manageable - a coat that already wears off with the expected wear and tear throughout the lifespan of a set of hair extensions. Bleach and lighteners would irreparably damage this coat, and react unpredictably on your hair extensions, possibly leading to patchy and uneven lifting of the pigmentation. In other words: do NOT bleach your hair extensions!

Achieving Bright Hair Colours

How Many Times Can I Dye Hair Extensions

If you're after funky shades to express your style and personality, don't worry: you're not alone, I get it. And I also understand how hard it can be to match your funky-coloured hair to your hair extensions! For this reason, a lot of people choose to custom-dye their tresses. Make sure that you work your funky shades with semi-permanent hair dye on light-coloured hair extensions, looking after your tresses with the right products so that the colour can be kept bright and vibrant just like the first day. Are bright colours safe to use on hair and hair extensions? Usually, yes: most funky hair dyes, in fact, do not include peroxide or lighteners. You can also try colour-pigmented conditioners and shampoos to give a vibrant hue to light blonde hair!

can you dye hair extensions more than once

Feel like wearing the colours of the rainbow? You can do that too! Make sure you protect each section by using tin foil so that the colours don't mix up.

Tips For Dyeing Hair Extensions

If you're feeling adventurous and decided to embark on a homemade hair dye job journey, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. Number one, always carry out a strand test before applying any hair dye on your tresses, so that you know how your hair extensions will react to the hair dye. If you're dyeing your natural hair on top of your hair extensions, make sure you follow the instructions correctly and perform the indicated patch test to avoid any allergies and skin reactions. 

can you dye your hair extensions multiple times

Be mindful of the amount of time you leave the dye in. Exceeding the processing time could result in an intense, stronger hue that you might not like. At the same time, leaving the hair dye on for less time will result in a lighter, toner-like shade. If you leave the hair dye for less than 15 minutes, chances are the developer won't be able to correctly lift the cuticle, meaning that the hair dye won't be able to fully penetrate the hair fibres, leaving the colour dull, uneven and easy to wash off. And no, even if you could, you don't want to dye your hair again! When using box dye, make sure you always follow the manufacturer's instructions on the box/leaflet, and test the product on a single strand before committing to the full-head dye job.  

Once you're done with the colouring and you've waited the right amount of time, make sure you thoroughly rinse the dye off. Last but not least, let your hair extensions air-dry to help the colour set in and last longer! 

how many times can i dye hair extensions

When washing the dye from your hair extensions, avoid hot water and stick to lukewarm water instead. Finally, giving your hair extensions a cold-water rinse at the end will help seal the cuticles and enhance their shine!   

If you need help, contact our team of hair experts for your hair questions. And don’t forget to hashtag #WearCliphair on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter to show off your looks.


By using the right hair dye, conducting a strand test, and properly caring for your extensions, dyeing your hair extensions can be a safe and easy process that not only saves you money but also helps you achieve your dream look. When it comes to the question of how many times can you dye hair extensions without compromising their quality, our Remy human hair extensions are designed to handle dyeing while maintaining their durability and beauty. For the best hair extensions for dyeing, look no further than Cliphair – lighter shades are the best options for dying, acting as a blank canvas for vibrant products.

Need more guidance on dyeing your extensions? Be sure to check out our hair extension dyeing tips, as well as our ultimate hair extensions buying guide. Select from a wide variety of clip in and permanent hair extensions, including seamless clip ins, double weft clip ins, tapes, nano rings, weaves and more, plus hydrating haircare and stylish accessories. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to chat with our team for expert advice or a free express colour match!

Vanlige spørsmål

Hvor mange ganger kan hårextensions farges trygt?

Hårextensions kan typisk farges en eller to ganger, avhengig av kvaliteten på extensions og typen fargestoff som brukes. Overfarging kan skade håret og føre til tørrhet, brudd eller tap av glans. Det er viktig å velge høykvalitets menneskelige extensions og bruke en skånsom fargeprosess for å minimere risikoen for skade.

Hva er den beste måten å farge hårforlengelser på?

Den beste måten å farge hårextensions på er å bruke fargestoff på extensions mens de ikke er festet til hodebunnen. Start med å vaske extensions med en rensende sjampo for å fjerne eventuelle rester og påfør deretter fargen jevnt med en børste eller hendene. La fargestoffet sitte i henhold til instruksjonene, vanligvis mellom 20 og 30 minutter, og skyll deretter med kaldt vann. Etterpå, vask og dyp condition utvidelsene for å gjenopprette fuktighet og glans. Hvis dette er første gang du dør hårextensions, kan du finne ut alt du trenger å vite i vår guide om å dø hårextensions.

Kan jeg bruke samme fargestoff på extensions som på mitt naturlige hår?

Ja, du kan bruke samme fargestoff på extensions som du ville gjort på ditt naturlige hår, men det er viktig å merke seg at extensions kan reagere annerledes på visse fargestoffer. Det er best å teste en liten del først for å sikre kompatibilitet og unngå skade. Det eneste unntaket fra dette er blekemidler og lysere, da disse ikke skal brukes på hårforlengelser. Bruk av blekemiddel og lysere på hair extensions vil forårsake skade.

Hvordan bør jeg ta vare på hair extensions etter farging?

Etter farging er det avgjørende å gi hårforlengelsene dine ekstra omsorg. Vask dem forsiktig med vår sulfatfrie Deep Moisture Shampoo og Balsam. Unngå varmestylingverktøy så mye som mulig, eller bruk dem på en lav setting, kombinert med noen spritzer av våre Varmebeskyttelsesspray. Regelmessig bruk av vår Hårmaske og andre dype kondisjoneringsbehandlinger anbefales også for å opprettholde fuktighet, glans og mykhet.

Ser du etter feilfritt, salongverdig hår uten å tømme lommeboken? Hos Cliphair har vi det du trenger med luksuriøse clip-in extensions for raske transformasjoner og permanente hårforlengelser som tape-ins, nano ringer og vever for langvarig glam. Forlengelser krever spesiell pleie og vedlikehold.
for å bevare kvaliteten deres, og derfor har vi alle de førsteklasses fuktighetsgivende hårpleieproduktene, essensielle tilbehør og vedlikeholdsproduktene du må ha for å holde stilen din på topp.

Trenger du den perfekte nyansen? Bla gjennom vårt komplette utvalg av menneskehår-extensions i over 70 rike, silkeaktige nyanser  eller sjekk ut vår GRATIS Express Farge Match Service  for å sikre en sømløs blanding hver gang. Chat med vårt vennlige ekspertteam som vil kontakte deg med en perfekt match på mindre enn 48 timer, eller bla gjennom vår Lookbook for de nyeste hårlookene brukt av Cliphair-samfunnet. Fra umiddelbar lengde til langvarig volum, Cliphair er din go-to for hår med eksepsjonell kvalitet og uendelige muligheter! 

Authored By Brenda L.
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