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What is the Right Hairstyle for My Face? Can Hair Extensions Help?

Here at ClipHair, we take a lot of pride in knowing which hairstyles work best for which types of people – even though there are so many different shapes of face, shades of eyes, and tones of natural hair colour out there. We might all be rocking our own unique looks, but there are some basic rules that can be followed if you want to be guaranteed to get it right every time.

It can come as a surprise for most to learn that, just like clothes and makeup, hairstyles work within a fairly narrow set of trends and patterns. For example, girls with very round faces and features tend to look extra hot with centre partings and styles that increase the visual length of their faces. The opposite can be said for girls like Demi Moore or Gisele, who both have quite long features.

It’s not always easy to get it right, but with a little practice, you too can be mastering the art of rocking the right hairstyle. Plus, the rules work with hair extensions too, so you don’t even have to be using your own hair to turn heads. This handy guide to making sure that your hairstyle suits your features will help you find the inner babe that you’ve been searching for.

Hairstyles for Long Faces

If you have a fairly long face, like Sarah Jessica Parker of Kate Beckinsale, the best styles to go for are ones with lots of volume and body and a slight wave or curl. For those gals who can’t stand the idea of giving up their Megan Fox style straight up and down locks, there’s a way to adapt poker straight tresses for long faces too – just add a blunt straight fringe. This is a particularly good idea for girls with slightly longer or larger than average foreheads, because a good fringe hides a multitude of quirks.

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Hairstyles for Round Faces

The most attractive styles for round faces are, as mentioned, ones that create the illusion of a longer and thinner face. So, take the signature beehive worn by Adele as a good example – she manages to pack in tonnes of glamour with this old school style, but keeps her face looking perfect by adding some vertical strands to frame her features and a wavy bang for a softer vibe. Or you could make like the inimitable Mila Kunis and use a slightly off centre wave to elongate features.

Hairstyles for Oval Faces

One of the most famous examples of the oval face is Jennifer Aniston, so it’s clear to see that this kind of face shape can be rather wonderful indeed. It often means that the chin or the forehead is slightly more prominent though, as with Mad Max heroine Charlize Theron. To remedy this, simply pick up a clip in extension piece which can be used to add subtle layers beneath your natural hair. The addition of a bit of choppy volume will really bring out the cheekbones too.

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Hairstyles for Square Faces

There are a lot of people who think that a square face is the most difficult to cater to, but celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Keira Knightley prove them wrong with every red carpet appearance. The issue for girls with square faces is the opposite to those with very round features – instead of looking very young and chubby, the wrong hairstyle can make a square face look severe. To avoid this, opt for textured layers, centre partings, and long bobs with a little more length in the back than the front. This layered style brings out the bone structure, without making features appear too sharp.

The post What is the Right Hairstyle for My Face? Can Hair Extensions Help? appeared first on Hair Extensions News.

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Authored By Cliphair Extensions
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