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Wear Your Hair Like Mila Kunis

Just recently, we’ve been seeing rather a lot more of famously reserved star Mila Kunis. The Friends with Benefits actress has always been extremely private, but she was happy to talk candidly about a number of things during TV appearances last month. She revealed that her marriage to Ashton Kutcher started out as a casual ‘hook up’ arrangement, just like the relationship in the hit movie. So, life really does imitate art, eh Mila?

She was also keen to expose some of the bad behaviour that new mums are exposed to when they breastfeed in public. This has been a hot topic of late, what with celebs like Chrissy Teigen receiving all kinds of criticism for making it public conversation. As Mila is set to star in raucous comedy, Bad Moms, it’s no surprise to hear that she isn’t cowed by those who try to shame mothers into covering up.

We admire her confidence and think it’s great that there’s another cool role model out there for new mums. And, with a second baby now on the way, Mila Kunis is about to be the woman who really does have it all – yes, that includes great hair.

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The Tuesday Throwback

We’re going to start with a throwback to a more classic Kunis look. This is quite a simple style, it’s just a loose, wide bun that has been pushed back for extra volume and body. It’s a handy look for girls who are trying to get more out of a relatively short cut. The alternative is to wear hair extensions, but even if you do, there are probably going to be times when you need to wash them and wear your tresses natural. So, this pushed back style is handy, as it makes the classic (and, sometimes, rather dull) bun or standard pony a little more interesting.

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The Always at Ease ‘Do

One of our favourite things about the Black Swan star is that she never allows herself to be pressured into looking or dressing in a way that she doesn’t like. She is the kind of celebrity that doesn’t mind being photographed without makeup. She doesn’t wear high heels to every event. In short, she’s real. This gorgeous and relaxed down ‘do is a good example of that, because it’s pretty and feminine, but is also the kind of style that most regular girls would wear on their day off too. It’s just curly enough to be bold and interesting, but not so curly that it’s wild and out of control. The trick to getting that right is using high quality texturising spray.

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The Brand New Bob

It was quite a surprise then that, after showing up on telly with long, flowing locks, Mila hit the red carpet with a brand new bob. It’s not too short, which we think is the best choice, because it allows her to retain those curls and that texture without it turning into a kind of square shape. This is one of those sticking points for girls with really wavy hair; it’s difficult to know how short to go, because as soon as the hair is left natural, the curls arrive and the cut shrinks even further. For this reason, if you have very curly hair, the best cuts for you are longer bobs and glamorous clip in hair extensions. Or, you can, of course, get the straightening irons out.

The Sixties Beehive

Before she went for the chop and announced news of her second pregnancy, Mila appeared on the front cover of a Spanish magazine looking every bit the retro diva. We are in love with this vintage sixties style beehive. It’s big, bold, and perfect for standing out from the crowd. In fact, it has more than a hint of Jackie O in its defined curls and chunky framed sides. If you pair this beehive with a smoky eye and some fake lashes, you’ll have everybody in the room wishing they were standing next to you. The key to getting a beehive right is backcombing; comb, comb, and comb it back again. The more you brush, the bigger it will get.

The post Wear Your Hair Like Mila Kunis appeared first on Hair Extensions News.

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Authored By Cliphair Extensions
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