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Wear Your Hair Like Emily Blunt

This week, it was revealed that Snow White and the Huntsman star, Emily Blunt, has accidentally ruined an iconic movie for the toddler son of her superstar colleague. According to Blunt, every time that she and co-star, Charlize Theron, were on set, Theron’s four year old became convinced that she was Elsa, from Frozen

And, he wasn’t happy when he saw his favourite princess wandering round in sweatpants during scenes. Blunt let the story slip on Jimmy Kimmel Live, where she was promoting the latest instalment in the Snow White saga. The pregnant actress is positively glowing right now; pregnancy clearly suits Emily Blunt, because her hair has never looked bouncier or shinier.

To celebrate the release of Snow White and The Huntsman: Winter’s War, we’re going to take a little look at the changing hairstyles of Emily Blunt and how you can wear your hair just like this British beauty.

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The Rising Star

In 2004, Blunt went from being a virtually unknown young actress to a rising star, after an impressive turn in Yorkshire drama, My Summer of Love. It put her on the map and showed the world that she could skilfully combine comedy and drama, in a way that’s both touching and realistic. At the premiere for the movie, she wore her hair simple and wavy, with subtle blonde highlights. The warm honeyed tones bring out her eyes and those soft waves frame her high cheekbones. Steal this style with highlighted hair extensions.

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The Feathery Vixen

Just six years later, Blunt rocked up to the premiere of The Wolfman and everybody knew her name. By this point, the actress had starred in a number of big budget productions and was making waves on both sides of the pond. This simply divine ‘feathered’ look is something that every girl should try at least once. It’s a really glamorous hairstyle, so you might want to save it for a special occasion. With her dark locks pulled back into an elegant chignon, Blunt has upped the sparkle by adding a gorgeous feathery headband.



The Twenties Flapper Girl

If you’re quite experienced with hair extensions at this point, you might be looking for some inspiration and a few fresh ideas. Or, you could be trying clip in hair pieces for the first time and need something uber glamorous for a party! Either way, take a look at this exquisite 20’s style chignon and curl combo. It manages to be both modern and classic, because the ‘flapper girl’ waves are strong, whilst still being soft and romantic. If you’re going to steal this style, remember to accessorise with something sparkly.

A photo posted by Emily Blunt (@_emily_blunt_) on


The Awards Season Updo

Only a superstar as gorgeous as Emily Blunt could make a simple bun look this special. It works because she let’s the existing highlights in her hair act as a feature all of their own. There’s a beach vibe going on here; the look is glamorous, but it still looks like you could wear it on an afternoon date with the girlies or Bae. The good news is that this particular style couldn’t be simpler to steal; if you need more length, use a clip in ponytail, which can then be converted into a chignon or ballerina bun with strong grips or ties.

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The Silver Queen

Emily Blunt’s hair in Snow White and The Huntsman: Winter’s War is sensational and you can easily get this beautiful platinum look, by using silver hair extensions. The style itself is simple enough to create once your silver tresses are in and is a style that won’t go out of fashion quickly – the Silver Queen is here to stay!

The post Wear Your Hair Like Emily Blunt appeared first on Hair Extensions News.

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Authored By Cliphair Extensions
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