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Three sexy ways to style your bob

Bobs have been everywhere this year and they look hot! It literally feels like everyone on the red carpet is wearing it. One of my favourite celebs rocking this style is the gorgeous Lucy Hale. The brilliant thing with bobs this year is that all types of different people with different shaped faces are wearing it, it literally suits everyone. I am seriously impressed by how many stunning pics I have seen of people styling their bobs like absolute boss babes! I am going to share with you some of my favourite styles so you can get a hot bob yourself.


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Go to heatless 40s bob

If you have thinner hair this style looks wicked with a side to give you extra body. Grab you fishtail comb and use the top of the arch of your eyebrow as a guide to place your parting.  Take a 1-inch section of hair and spray it with alcohol-free hairspray before you wrap it around your finger. You have a little spiral now that you have created so pin it in place and repeat with the rest of your hair. Leave your hair until it is set (about 10 min) then take all your pins out. Your hair will really tightly curl so gently go over it with a brush to create looser 40s curls. Gently scrunch with mousse to finish and you will look fab.


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Cool textured bob

This has probably been the most loved style of bob this year and it has such a cool 90’s vibe. Create a centre parting and grab your straighteners. Bevel your hair away from your face at first then release, you will manually be creating and down motion to create your waves. Make sure you don’t grip your hair too tightly with straighteners so your hair can glide through. Divide your hair into rows and do this all over your head, make sure you are generous with your hairspray so your waves stay in place.


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Sleek bob with a fringe

If textured or curly bobs don’t suit your face shape or are just not your style you will love this stunning sleek style with a fringe. If you don’t have a fringe it is time to grab a clip in hair extension. Create a centre parting and divide the hair in front of and behind your ears. The hair near your temples twist tightly and pin behind your ears. Clip your fringe extension in as far back as you think you need to so you get your desired fringe length and comb it smooth. Pull strands from your natural hair over the seam of the extension to hide it. Blend the edges of your fringe in with your natural hair. To get a glam look very gently tease the roots of your hair at the crown so it looks thick and lovely then grab your serum. Run your fingers through your fringe and hair so it is protected before you straighten your bob for a stunning finish.

The post Three sexy ways to style your bob appeared first on Hair Extensions News.

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Authored By Cliphair Extensions
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