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Steal her style: Bella Hadid

She may be one of the world’s hottest supermodels with fame, money and influence but it was actually really nice to see her human side when tripped on the stair. Don’t get me wrong I am totally relieved that she didn’t hurt herself but sometimes these celebrities are put on a pedestal and are so hard to relate to, be clumsy is something I can definitely feel for her. The brilliant thing about finding her more approachable is that her looks don’t feel so unapproachable either. She is stunning, that is for sure but her styles have had some massive help from her stylist team and trusty extensions. Let’s check out some of her looks ourself.






Bobin’ beauty

Moving away from her once golden blonde waves Bella is going for an edgier, shorter look. Forget tall, dark and handsome Bella is tall, dark and sexy with this style. If you have baby blues like Bella think about trying out a bob for yourself it is a fantastic way to draw attention to you eyes and it this year’s hottest hairstyle. Trust Bella to set a fashion trend.





Taking the braid on the town

 If bobs are not sure style or a bit old for you this is going to be way more up your alley. In a look that looks like it has been inspired by Hunger Games Bella is set for a wicked night on the town with these double braids. Not set back by short locks this fashionista has become a pro at clipping in her extensions. A fab hair hack for doing this yourself is to make sure that you do your braids tightly. This is particularly important for extension braid newbies. If you want your braids to look fuller opt for dutch braids, they are easier to tug at the end.




Slick back photoshoot

 From Max Mara to Guess the slick back look ha been so popular the last couple of year, especially in summer. It has been used to show of clothes on the catwalk in a gothic romance trend and as a way of showing off jewellery like Bella is here. The trick to creating this look yourself is to start when your hair is wet, trust me it way easier to comb gel and mouse through the top section of your hair. If you want to look as good as Bella here make sure you straighten the rest of your hair get rid of all the nasty fly aways.


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Twisted half updo

 She has gone to the dark side with this bold look on the catwalk. There is no better way to describe this style than alien ears. It is quite the double top knot style that Maisie Williams rocks but there are definitely some mini buns involved. This look is pushed way forward so if you like a centre parting but struggle with volume near the front, this look may be a great one for your to try. Remember it is not meant to be overly polished so having a few strands sticking out of your buns or natural untamed waves will look great.



The post Steal her style: Bella Hadid appeared first on Hair Extensions News.

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Authored By Cliphair Extensions
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