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Rita Ora’s EMA MTV looks

That’s right looks plurals Rita clearly took her hosting duties seriously over the weekend. The European Music Awards definitely had stuck with British feel which is fitting as it is the first time in years the awards has been hosted. I seriously don’t understand how she had time to talk in between all of her costume changes, guys she had 13 outfits in 2 hours! Lets check out her style after rocking up to the awards in a black cab.


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Yes, ladies, Rita looks like she is about to get a massage but this was all part of her skit. We have to admit she makes a towel and bathrobe look good.


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Balayage perfection

when she is on the stage it is all about looking fly not comfy and she is definitely showing off her style with her black crop top, shorts and combat boots. The hottest part of this style was definitely her mane. Don’t let the casual eel fool you she didn’t wake up with this style. Her loose waves have been pimped up with some stunning balayage extension and have some stunning serum to give it that pop star look.


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Old school lilac

oooph! That woman is not messing around when it comes to glamour. Her big curled shoulder-length locks look fantastic with her drop diamond earnings and sweetheart shaped dress. I love the lilac to make it feel more 2017.


The headdress queen

I’m not sure if she was inspired by Beyonce of just the fashion gods but this style looks hot! I have seen similar looks at the Notting Hill carnival and love it but I have never seen something like this at an awards ceremony, and that’s saying something. It looks amazing paired with her plunge dress if you can pull off this Caribbean queen style I applaud you.


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A green thumb:

I’ve heard of forks over knives but pitchforks on a dress is a new one. It is unique, we have to give her that one but even if the dress isn’t your cup of tea you will love her sleek mid-length dark locks. This style is perfect to match with a bright dress or show off your natural beauty.


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Goldie locks

So this one is not something we can’t try every day. It isn’t my favourite but I am a little bit in love with glitter so if you dial is down the hair it will look great.



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Dancing with Rita

She is returning to her light waving extensions but her outfit is so different. If you are a big fan of dancing with the stars you will love this costume and she is clearly been doing some dancing of her own, she looks awesome.


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Light hair bright lips:

these combinations are stunning and have such different vibes but it just goes to show us that if you are going lighter this season brighten it with some bright lipstick to bring your face to life.

The post Rita Ora’s EMA MTV looks appeared first on Hair Extensions News.

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Authored By Cliphair Extensions
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