Ultimate Guide to Pre Bonded Hair Extensions

Artikkelin lukuaika - 8 Mins

Ultimate Guide to Pre Bonded Hair Extensions

Welcome to the wonderful world of pre-bonded extensions! These extensions are popular and for good reason. Incredibly flexible; reasonably priced and are simple reuse – no wonder so many women love them!

Whether you're aiming for length, volume, or a splash of colour, pre-bonded hair extensions could be your ideal choice. In this article, we cover everything from application methods to maintenance tips for hair extensions. Discover how the strand by strand extensions technique can provide you with the most natural look possible. Whether you're new to hair extensions or a seasoned pro, join us as we delve into the world of pre-bonded extensions. Discover how they can revolutionise your hairstyle with Cliphair! Explore more about pre-bonded extensions and elevate your style by visiting Cliphair.

What are Keratin Pre-bonded Hair Extensions?

Pre bonded hair extensions are simply hair extensions where the hair is bonded into an individual strand using keratin glue. There are several different types of pre bonded hair extension.

what are prebonded extensions? Confusion alert? Fear not, we’re here to help. There are so many names for pre bonded hair extensions that it’s easy to get confused! You might have heard them called keratin pre-bonded extensions, fusion bond hair extensions, bonded extensions, and more besides – but know this much – they’re pretty much all the same thing.

So let’s break things down. At its simplest, a pre bonded hair extension is an individual strand bonded together with keratin glue and made up with 1 gram of hair. The difference comes in with the many different types of bonds that attach to your hair. Here are a few examples:

I-tip – the top of the strand is shaped like an “I”

Nano tip – the top of the strand is shaped like an “I” and is super fine

U-Tip – the top of the strand is shaped like a “U”. It looks a bit like a false nail, which is why these extensions are sometimes called nail tips.

Flat tip – the top of the strand is flat

Micro ring – the top of the strand has a hollow shaped top with a ring attached to it.

Fusion bonded – another name for U-Tip and flat tip extensions.

What’s the difference between U tip and I tip Extensions?

U-tip extensions are applied using heat fusion; I tip extensions are applied using micro-rings. Occasionally your technician may use heat to apply I-tip extensions – it depends on your hair type.

So U tip and I tip might look different, but that’s not all! They’re also applied differently. Before we go any further, remember that both U-tip and I-tip extensions must be fitted by a pro. You risk really damaging your hair if you try to DIY.

Here’s how I-tips and U-tips are fitted…

I-tips are applied using micro-rings and secured to your hair with pliers. This holds your hair in the ring and keeps the extension in place. Heat may or may not be needed – your extensions expert will know what’s best, depending on your hair type and condition.

U-tips are applied using heat – known as the fusion method. Your hair extensions expert attaches the strands to your hair with the correct tools at the correct temperature to fuse the strand to your own hair without breaking the U-tip bond.

What are Fusion Bond Hair Extensions?

Fusion bond hair extensions are extensions that are bonded to your hair with heat.

Fusion bond extensions are hair extensions that are bonded or fused  to your hair with heat. Both I-tip and U-tip extensions are fusion bond extensions; they’re bonded to your hair with a specialised heat tool which fuses the tip of the extension strand to your own hair. Fusion bond extensions are made with keratin glue. It’s the keratin glue that gets heated up and is then fused to your hair. You must 100% use a qualified professional to fit fusion bond hair extensions, otherwise, you risk real damage to your own hair, not to mention an end-result that’s nothing to be proud of – eeek!

Are Nano Rings better than Bonds?

Nano rings extensions are no better or worse for your hair than fusion bonded extensions – if your extensions are poorly fitted or removed, they will damage your hair no matter what.

So you might think that because nano ring extensions don’t use heat, they’re better for your hair than fusion bond extensions. Not quite!

Nano ring extensions are a type of pre-bonded extensions that have a loop attached to them for quicker, easier application than I-tip or U-tip extensions. You don’t need heat to attach them to your hair though; instead, you attach them by looping your own hair through the little rings. The lack of heat means they’re safer in some respects, but if you apply them incorrectly, the potential for damage is far worse than with fusion bond extensions. Bottom line? Get the advice of a qualified professional before choosing your hair extension type and ALWAYS use a qualified hair extensions technician to fit your extensions.

How do you use I tip Hair Extensions?

I tip extensions are applied using micro rings and a threader tool and tightened using pliers. Your technician will have all the right equipment; you don’t need to worry about getting hold of it.

I-tip extensions are also applied with micro rings. You need to buy these rings separately (or your technician might supply them). Your hair extensions technician will thread a strand of your own hair into the micro ring using a loop or threader tool before securing with pliers.

Heat isn’t usually used to apply I-tip extensions, but depending on your hair type and condition, your expert may decide to use some heat to secure the tip and ring to your hair.

How many Bonded Extensions for a full head?

The amount of bonded extensions you need for a full head of hair depends on how much volume you want and how much hair your head size and shape and hair thickness can handle. 100g of hair is an “average” amount of hair.

Now here’s a question! Like any other type of extension, the amount of bonded extensions you need for a full head depends on level of volume you want and how much volume your hair can take. Book in for a consultation with a qualified hair extensions technician. They’ll guide you through the type of bonded extension that’s best for your locks and help you understand how much hair you’ll need.

We’d typically say that a “normal” head of hair needs 100g of hair, but some people prefer more.

pre-bonded extensions

How long do Pre-bonded Extensions last?

The life of your pre-bonded extensions is affected by the way they’re cared for and by how often they’re reapplied.

There are two factors that affect how long your pre-bonded extensions will last for. Here goes:

  1. The condition of the hair. If you’ve cared for your extensions and given them plenty of love by washing them properly, keeping the, away from chlorine and tying them back during exercise, you’ll probably be able to reuse them. Your hair extensions technician will give them a deep conditioning treatment to bring back their lustre and then reapply.
  2. Reapplication time. Your pre-bonded extensions will naturally move down as your own hair grows. After a point, you’ll want to have them reapplied, depending on your hair type this will be between 8-12 weeks.

pre bonded wefts

Can you reuse Pre-bonded Hair extensions?

You can absolutely reuse your pre bonded hair extensions. Just keep them in good condition, and you’ll be ready to have them refitted!

Take care of your pre-bonded real hair extensions and keep the hair in good condition and you can 100% reuse them. Top tip! If you’re planning on reusing your extensions tell your extensions expert before fitting. This way your technician will take extra care with the bonded tip to make sure they’re not damaged during the fitting or removal – and then they can be re-conditioned and re-used.

Do Pre-bonded Hair Extensions damage your hair?

Pre-bonded, I tip and U tip extensions will only damage your hair if they’re badly fitted or badly cared for. Do things the right way and your natural hair will stay in perfect condition.

So you want great looking extensions but also want to keep your natural hair in tip-top condition? Well of course you do! There are two things for you to remember – correct application and careful aftercare.

Fit your extensions properly, and that means with a qualified technician, and you’re unlikely to suffer from damaged hair. Don’t make the mistake of thinking any technician will do; an expert in tape in hair extensions may not be able to fit pre-bonded extensions. Do your research and you’ll be rewarded with better results. Choosing a qualified technician to fit your extensions also gives you a head start on perfect aftercare. Get all the details from your technician about caring for your luscious new locks; the dos, the don’ts and everything else there is to know. All this knowledge will help you keep your extensions and natural hair at their best. What a result!

Ready to transform your look with pre-bonded extensions? Explore Cliphair's collection of high-quality extensions and accessories to achieve flawless results. Elevate your hair game with Cliphair and embrace your hair transformation journey now!


Pre-bonded hair extensions offer a versatile solution for achieving longer, fuller hair with ease. Whether you opt for fusion, micro-ring, or nano-rings these extensions blend seamlessly and are designed for long-term wear with proper care. At Cliphair, we pride ourselves on delivering top-quality prebonded extensions that enhance natural beauty and provide durability.

Our range not only includes a variety of shades and lengths but also ensures that each strand is ethically sourced and crafted to maintain a natural look and feel. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned wearer, Cliphair extensions guarantee a stylish transformation that lasts.

Ready to try pre-bonded hair extensions? Browse our collection now for a seamless and stylish look! Explore our collection here.


Valmiiksi liimatut hiuspidennykset ovat yksittäisiä hiussäikeitä, joiden kärjessä on keratiinisidos. Nämä pidennykset kiinnitetään luonnollisiin hiuksiin lämpökäsittelytyökalulla, joka sulattaa keratiinisidoksen, jolloin se sulautuu luonnollisiin hiuksiin. Sidos on vahva ja kestävä, sulautuu saumattomasti luonnollisiin hiuksiin. Valmiiksi liimatut pidennykset vaativat myös erittäin vähän huoltoa, mikä tarkoittaa, että ne tarvitsee asentaa uudelleen vain 12 viikon välein.

Valmiiksi liimatut hiuspidennykset kestää tyypillisesti 10–12 viikkoa hiuksissa ennen kuin se on poistettava ja kiinnitettävä uudelleen, mikäli hiuksista hoidetaan oikein, niitä voidaan käyttää uudelleen ja uudelleen 6–9 kuukauden ajan. Asianmukainen hoito, kuten säännöllinen harjaus, asianmukaisten hiustenhoitotuotteiden käyttö ja liiallisen lämpömuotoilun välttäminen, voivat auttaa pidentämään pidennysten käyttöikää.

Valmiiksi liimatut hiuspidennykset tarjoavat useita keskeisiä etuja muihin tyyppeihin verrattuna. Ne tunnetaan kestävyydestään turvallisen keratiinisidoksen ansiosta, joka pitää ne paikoillaan pidempään luistamatta. Oikein käytettynä ne sulautuvat saumattomasti luonnollisiin hiuksiin antaen luonnollisen ulkonäön ja tuntuman. Nämä pidennykset mahdollistavat myös luonnollisten hiusten kaltaisen monipuolisen muotoilun ja ylläpidon, ja niitä on saatavilla useissa eri väreissä ja tekstuureissa eri mieltymysten mukaan. Kaiken kaikkiaan niiden kestävyys, luonnollinen ulkonäkö ja muotoilun joustavuus tekevät esiliitetyistä pidennyksistä suositun vaihtoehdon pitkien ja täyteläisempien hiusten saavuttamiseksi vaivattomasti.

Etsitkö virheetöntä, salonkitasoista hiusta ilman, että budjetti kärsii? Cliphairilla meillä on sinut katettu ylellisillä klipsipidennyksillä nopeisiin muunnoksiin ja pysyville hiuspidennyksille kuten teippipidennyksille, nano-renkaille ja kudontapidennyksille pitkäkestoista loistoa varten. Pidennykset vaativat erityistä hoitoa ja ylläpitoa.
säilyttääksemme niiden laadun, minkä vuoksi meillä on kaikki huippuluokan kosteuttavat hiustenhoitotuotteet, välttämättömät tarvikkeet ja huoltotarvikkeet, joita tarvitaan tyylisi ylläpitämiseen.

Tarvitsetko täydellisen sävyn? Selaa koko valikoima ihmishiuspidennyksiämme yli 70 rikkaassa, silkkisessä sävyssä tai tutustu ILMAISEEN Pikaväriottelupalveluumme varmistaaksesi saumattoman yhdistämisen joka kerta. Keskustele ystävällisten asiantuntijoidemme tiimin kanssa, joka ottaa sinuun yhteyttä täydellisen sävyn kanssa alle 48 tunnissa, tai selaa Lookbookiamme nähdäksesi uusimmat hiustyylit Cliphair-yhteisön käytössä. Nopeasta pituudesta pitkäaikaiseen volyymiin, Cliphair on sinun valintasi hiuksille, joissa on poikkeuksellinen laatu ja loputtomat mahdollisuudet! 

Authored By Abbey Wilson
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