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How To Re-Use Tape In Hair Extensions

We already know that Tape in hair extensions are fast to apply, comfortable and kinder to the hair than other methods. But did you know they are also cost effective too? Unlike some other permanent hair extension systems, Cliphair tape in extensions can be re-taped and re-used. So, can you reuse tape in hair extensions? Absolutely! There’s no need to fork out every 6-8 weeks on a new set, when you can reuse the same set multiple times!

What Are Tape In Hair Extensions?

Tape in hair extensions are small 4cm wide wefts of human hair that are sandwiched in pairs to the natural roots with a sticky tab. Due to their small size and shape they lay flat to the head making them unnoticeable in even the finest of hair. Tape-in extensions are favoured for their simple and speedy application adding volume and length to all hair types in under two hours. Their popularity stems from their comfort and styling flexibility, and although they require professional application and regular upkeep, they are an investment that’s completely worth it when it comes to achieving hair with a luxurious, natural feel. Cliphair offers other varieties of tape ins, including our Remy Royale and Invisible collection, both of which have improved durability, superior quality and more discretion when blended with your natural hair. 

Can You Reuse Tape In Extensions?

Can you reuse tape in extensions? Yes, you absolutely can! However it’s advised to only reuse them if they are still in good condition. Our high-quality tape in extensions are extremely cost-effective due to their reusability and long lifespan, all of which are capable as a result of regular maintenance and extra TLC when caring for your extensions at home through regular brushing with our detangling hairbrush to remove matting and tangles, as well as hydrating washes with our Quench The Thirst haircare range.

How To Take Out Tape In Hair Extensions? 

Tape remover 118ml and 30ml

After 6-8 weeks your Tape in extensions will have grown down along with your own hair and will need to be repositioned. Tape extensions will need to be removed first before they can be re-applied, this is done using a Tape in hair extension remover. A generous amount of the remover is sprayed onto the attachment part at the top of the tape weft, this is left to work its magic and loosen the stickiness for 20-30 seconds. Once the tapes are loosened with the spray they should easily peel away from the hair.

Here at Cliphair, we would recommend using oil-based removers as opposed to alcohol-based ones. Although alcohol-based removers are stronger and will work faster they are not good for the hair or scalp, they can cause irritation and have a strong chemical odour which can be unpleasant for clients. Our fast-acting Tape in Remover has a refreshing citrus scent and will not leave yours or your clients hair feeling dry and dehydrated as it is oil-based.

How To Get Extensions Tape Residue Out Of Hair?

Sometimes, especially if in the hair for longer than 8 weeks without maintenance, tape in extensions can be a little tricky to remove or can leave some sticky residue in the hair. To remove any residue, we advise using a pintail comb after each section to gently pull out any glue or product. After removing the extensions, you should also give the hair a wash with a clarifying shampoo this will remove any residue that you have missed. 

How To Re Tape Hair Extensions?

If you’re wondering how to reuse tape in extensions, they will be reapplied by a hair stylist or hair professional. Once your Tape ins have been removed, they will need to be thoroughly washed and dried before you can retape them. All you will need to re-tape the hair extensions is a pack or roll of spare tape tabs, and your hairdresser to complete the reapplication for you.

  • Before washing ensure that all of the previous sticky tab has been removed from the top of the tape, if there is any left simply peel it off using your nail or a comb.
  • In sections, wash and condition your tape in extensions with good quality hair extensions friendly products.
  • In sections once the hair is completely clean the tapes need to be dried and smoothed over.
  • Using your Spare Tape pack, have your hairdresser simply peel a strip away from the paper then re-stick it to the top of your tape extension. Make sure the new tab is stuck onto the same side as the previous one.
  • Your hairdresser will then repeat this process on each tape hair extension ensuring the new tabs do not overhang as this can cause knottiness in the natural hair after application.
  • The Tape in extensions are now re-taped and ready to be applied again. 

How Many Times Can You Reuse Tape Extensions?

How many times can you reuse tape-in extensions? Depending on the quality of your Tape in hair extensions, this may determine how often they can be reapplied and re-used. If the hair extensions are not in good condition or have been looked after incorrectly, we do not advise re-applying them. Only re-use hair extensions that still feel healthy and thick for the best results.

Usually AAA grade quality Tape in Hair extensions can be re-used once meaning in total they should last up to 12 weeks which includes one retaping session. Higher quality hair extensions  like our Remy Royale Tapes or Invisible Tapes which have a life span of 6-12 months, around 3-6 repositions. All of our Remy Royale hair extensions are made from 100% human, Remy, AAAAA grade luxury hair. AAAAA grade or Russian hair can typically be reapplied 2-3 times providing the condition is still good.


If you’re looking for hair extensions that are high quality, sustainable and cost-effective, look no further than Cliphair’s tape in extensions! Our premium Remy Royale tape ins are known for their ability to seamlessly blend into natural hair and remain the best solution for achieving voluminous tresses.

By regularly maintaining your extensions, this practice not only saves money but also allows for versatile styling options. By following our recommended removal, cleaning, and storage techniques, you’ll be ensured prolonged extension durability, improving your hair extensions’ health, and giving you the locks of your dreams!

Still want to know more? Check out our expert guide: Everything You Need To Know About Tape Hair Extensions


Kyllä, teippiä hiustenpidennyksissä voidaan käyttää uudelleen useita kertoja asianmukaisella hoidolla ja huollolla. Kun olet poistanut ne, sinun on vaihdettava teippi ja varmistettava, että pidennykset ovat puhtaat ennen uudelleen kiinnittämistä.

Kuinka monta kertaa voit käyttää teippiä uudelleen hiustenpidennyksissä, riippuu siitä, kuinka hyvin hoidat niitä ja pidennysten laadusta. Asianmukaisella huollolla niitä voidaan tyypillisesti käyttää uudelleen 2-3 sovelluksessa.

Säilytä omasi teippi jatkeissa viileässä, kuivassa paikassa suojassa suoralta auringonvalolta. On suositeltavaa säilyttää ne alkuperäisessä pakkauksessaan tai suljettavassa astiassa sotkeutumisen ja vaurioiden estämiseksi.

Kyllä, voit muotoilla teippipidennyksesi lämpötyökaluilla sen jälkeen, kun olet käyttänyt niitä uudelleen. On kuitenkin tärkeää pitää lämmitetty muotoilu mahdollisimman vähäisenä, jotta pidennykset eivät vaurioidu. Välttääksesi kuumuudesta johtuvia vaurioita, muista käyttää meidän lämpöä suojaava spray ennen kuin käytät lämmitettyjä muotoilutyökaluja, kuten kihartimia, suoristuslaitteita tai hiustenhoitolaitteita.

Jos et ole varma, kuinka käyttää teippiä uudelleen hiustenpidennyksissä, voit lohduttaa sitä, että ne tarvitsee kiinnittää uudelleen vain 6-8 viikon välein. Kampaajasi kiinnittää teipit uudelleen vastaavasti, jos ne ovat pysyneet erinomaisessa kunnossa. Jos pidennyksissäsi olevaa Remy Royale Tape -teippiä säilytetään hyvin ja säilytetään oikein poissa auringonvalolta ja kosteudelta, se kestää jopa 12 kuukautta.

Etsitkö virheetöntä, salonkitasoista hiusta ilman, että budjetti kärsii? Cliphairilla meillä on sinut katettu ylellisillä klipsipidennyksillä nopeisiin muunnoksiin ja pysyville hiuspidennyksille kuten teippipidennyksille, nano-renkaille ja kudontapidennyksille pitkäkestoista loistoa varten. Pidennykset vaativat erityistä hoitoa ja ylläpitoa.
säilyttääksemme niiden laadun, minkä vuoksi meillä on kaikki huippuluokan kosteuttavat hiustenhoitotuotteet, välttämättömät tarvikkeet ja huoltotarvikkeet, joita tarvitaan tyylisi ylläpitämiseen.

Tarvitsetko täydellisen sävyn? Selaa koko valikoima ihmishiuspidennyksiämme yli 70 rikkaassa, silkkisessä sävyssä tai tutustu ILMAISEEN Pikaväriottelupalveluumme varmistaaksesi saumattoman yhdistämisen joka kerta. Keskustele ystävällisten asiantuntijoidemme tiimin kanssa, joka ottaa sinuun yhteyttä täydellisen sävyn kanssa alle 48 tunnissa, tai selaa Lookbookiamme nähdäksesi uusimmat hiustyylit Cliphair-yhteisön käytössä. Nopeasta pituudesta pitkäaikaiseen volyymiin, Cliphair on sinun valintasi hiuksille, joissa on poikkeuksellinen laatu ja loputtomat mahdollisuudet! 

Authored By Heather Collier
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