how to get rid of dry hair

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Top Tips: How To Get Rid Of Dry Hair

There’s nothing more frustrating than dry, lifeless hair. But don’t worry – before you grab the scissors, there are plenty of remedies for dry hair you can try! In this guide, we’ll share how to treat dry hair and hair extensions using moisturising techniques and healthy hair solutions to bring back shine and softness. Plus, discover how our luxury Remy human hair extensions can add volume and shine to make even the driest hair appear healthier. Ready to transform your locks? Read on for top tips and explore our hair extensions collection to give your hair a beautiful boost!

What Causes Dry Hair?

To get to the heart of the problem you have to understand why your hair has become dry in the first place. If you're looking forward to knowing what causes dry hair, ask yourself the following: did you treat your hair heavily? Is your hair bleached? Did something change in your lifestyle lately?

Climate, nutrition, hormones, and a lot of other factors play a huge role in the health and appearance of your hair. Is your scalp dry too or just your ends? Take some time to examine your hair and scalp, then develop the right strategy to bring your hair back to life.

Hair Treatment for Dry Hair: Dry Hair Tips

You have been washing all your life, so it sounds mental to say you might be doing it wrong. I know, I know, but hear me out! One of the things I want you to think about is, how many times a week you wash your hair? This could be a major contributing factor to why your hair is so dry. Perhaps you might be overdoing things a little! Try reducing your washing days. If you're worried about your hair not looking good enough in a ponytail, you can always resort to the good old wrap-around ponytail hairpiece paired with a sleek look. 

What if your hair gets even dryer when it's unwashed? In that case, the problem might be that your hair is not doing a great job at retaining the moisture you provide to it with shampoo and conditioner. This happens mostly to damaged hair, such as heavily treated/bleached hair. In this case, you may want to use a good hair oil to seal the cuticles of your strands, a leave-in conditioner and finish with a silky moisturising spray.

Dry Hair Treatment: How To Wash Dry Hair

Adding shampoo and conditioner to your hair and scalp doesn’t just clean it, it actually strips the oils away. That's the whole concept behind getting rid of an oily scalp and greasy strands. Even if you had oily hair you wouldn’t want to do this too often because it confuses your glands and they don’t produce the steady amount of oil that your hair needs to look healthy.

You want to essentially train your hair and get it used to produce a good amount of oil. It may take a couple of weeks for your hair to get used to the new rhythm, but I would suggest washing your hair once or twice maximum per week to stop your hair from being so dry.

When washing your hair, make sure you choose moisturising shampoo and conditioner, and look into applying a hair mask on your tresses once a week.

If you're a fan of DIY, you could look into making your own Aloe Vera hair treatment for dry hair.

What Can I Put On My Dry Hair (And What To Avoid)

Hairspray and a hairdryer might be some girl’s best friend, but if you have dry hair then unfortunately they won't be yours. Many hairsprays and even some shampoos and conditioners have chemicals that caused your hair to dry out. If you see Sulphate or SLS on any of your products, throw them out! These ingredients could make your hair weak. Alcohol is another one that is not your friend, as it's a drying agent. If you really need a hair fix, look for alcohol-free hairspray. Ultimately, what you will want to invest in is hair serums or natural oils. This will help you smooth over your fly-aways and re-nourish your locks.

Have your hair extensions gone dry? As they don't receive moisture and nutrition from your scalp like your natural hair does, hair extensions are prone to dryness and damage if you don't take care of them properly.

Apply a deep nourishing treatment to your hair extensions to revive them. If you're wearing tape-in hair extensions try to avoid applying hair oils and serums to your roots. Read more about how to revive dry hair extensions here!

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What Products To Use For Dry Hair

Quenching your hair's thirst with creams, masks and oils that work in deep to penetrate hydration into your hair from root to tip is the top move to put in your priorities list to achieve almost instant results. Look for deeply nourishing ingredients such as macadamia oil, avocado, aloe vera, egg proteins and more.

When it comes to products on the shelf, don't be afraid of spending a little extra. If your hair needs emergency treatment, you'll have to invest in its salvation.

Be Healthy!

This is not to do with products or how you do something, but rather about general health. The rule "you are what you eat" applies to a lot of your features: your skin, your hair, your nails, your glow! Opt for healthy fats with nuts, coconut, and avocado to help your hair become healthy, strong and shiny!


And there you have it! Treating dry hair or hair extensions requires a combination of using moisturising hair products and adopting a healthier styling routine such as reducing heat exposure and regular brushing.

For an instant boost, consider Cliphair hair extensions. Our premium extensions blend seamlessly with your natural hair, enhancing volume and shine while improving overall appearance. They’re the perfect complement to your hair care routine, making even dry hair look revitalised and full of life. ready to transform your look? Explore our extensions today and find more tips on managing dry hair with our haircare!


Mitkä ovat kuivien hiusten syyt?

Kuivat hiukset voivat johtua useista tekijöistä, sekä ympäristöstä että elämäntavoista. Liiallinen pesu, kovien shampooiden käyttö tai toistuva lämpömuotoilutyökalujen käyttö voivat poistaa luonnolliset öljyt hiuksistasi. Ympäristöolosuhteet, kuten altistuminen auringolle, tuulelle tai kuivalle ilmastolle, voivat pahentaa ongelmaa. Lisäksi kemialliset käsittelyt, kuten värjäys, perming tai valkaisu, voivat heikentää hiuksia ja aiheuttaa kosteuden menetystä. Taustalla olevat terveysongelmat, huono ravitsemus tai kuivuminen voivat myös olla vaikuttavia tekijöitä.

Kuinka voin palauttaa kosteuden kuiviin hiuksiin?

Kosteuden palauttamiseksi kuiviin hiuksiin käytä syvähoitohoitoja tai hiusnaamiot sisältää runsaasti ravitsevia ainesosia, kuten arganöljyä, sheavoita tai kookosöljyä. Sisällytä rutiinisi hiuksiin jätettävät hoitoaineet tai hiusöljyt kosteuden lukitsemiseksi. Yritä rajoittaa lämpömuotoilutyökalujen käyttöä tai käytä aina a lämpösuoja jos käytät niitä. Käytä sulfaatittomia tuotteitamme Deep Moisture Shampoo ja viileän veden käyttö hiusten huuhteluun voi myös auttaa. Tärkeää on myös ylläpitää nesteytystä juomalla runsaasti vettä ja noudattamalla ravinteikasta ruokavaliota, joka tukee hiusten terveyttä.

Kuinka usein minun tulee käyttää kosteuttavia tuotteita kuiville hiuksille?

Kosteuttavien tuotteiden käyttötiheys riippuu hiustesi kuivuuden vakavuudesta ja hiustyypistäsi. Yleensä käyttämällä a syvähoitonaamio kerran viikossa on hyvä käytäntö kuiville hiuksille. Hiuksiin jätettävien hoitoaineiden tai kevyiden hiusöljyjen päivittäinen tai joka toinen päivä käyttö voi olla hyödyllistä kosteuden ylläpitämisessä. Jos peset hiuksesi usein, yritä käyttää hellävaraista, kosteuttavaa shampoota joka kerta välttääksesi hiusten kuivumisen.

Onko olemassa erityisiä shampooita ja hoitoaineita kuiville hiuksille?

Kyllä, on shampoita ja hoitoaineita, jotka on suunniteltu erityisesti kuiville hiuksille. Nämä tuotteet on yleensä rikastettu kosteuttavilla ainesosilla, kuten aloe veralla, glyseriinillä tai erilaisilla luonnollisilla öljyillä, jotka auttavat säilyttämään kosteuden. Meidän sulfaatitonta Deep Moisture Shampoo sopii kuiville hiuksille, koska ne puhdistavat hellävaraisesti poistamatta eteerisiä öljyjä. Meidän on myös hyödyllistä käyttää Hoitoaine suunniteltu tasoittamaan ja korjaamaan hiusten kynsinauhoja, mikä auttaa pitämään hiuksesi pehmeinä ja kosteutettuina.

Looking for flawless, salon-worthy hair without breaking the bank? At Cliphair, we’ve got you covered with luxurious clip-in extensions for quick transformations and permanent hair extensions like tape-ins, nano rings  and weaves for long-lasting glam. Extensions require special care and maintenance
to preserve their quality, which is why we have all the  top-notch hydrating haircare products, essential accessories and maintenance must-haves needed to keep your style on point.

Need the perfect shade? Browse our full range of human hair extensions in over 70 rich, silky shades  or check out our FREE Express Colour Match Service to ensure a seamless blend every time. Chat with our team of friendly experts who will reach out to you with a perfect match in less than 48 hours, or browse our Lookbook for the latest hair looks worn by the Cliphair community. From instant length to long-term volume, Cliphair is your go-to for locks with exceptional quality and endless possibilities! 

Authored By Brenda L.
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