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#hairhacks Halloween Hair Hacks

It’s that time of year again. Halloween is right around the corner and if you haven’t got your costume sorted yet, you’d better get a move on. The weekend will be filled with parties, great events, and chances to show off your creative juices. So, what are you waiting for? That unforgettable Halloween hairstyle isn’t going to make itself.

If you need some fun ideas or a bit of inspiration, our first piece of advice is to say ‘No’ to Harley Quinn. Really. Every girl and her mother is going to be wandering around town in hot pants, with a baseball bat, this year. To stand out and make a statement, it’s got to be something super cool or wonderfully sultry.

This guide to our favourite picks for Halloween 2016 will hopefully help you put together a great hairstyle (even if it’s strictly ‘creepy’).

The Downton Abbey Finger Wave

If you’ve been pining for Downton ever since it left our screens, why not spend your Halloween as one of the glamorous, glitzy ladies of the show? They always look perfectly groomed and the classic twenties style finger wave isn’t as tricky as you might think. You can create it using straightening irons, as long as they’re quite thin. Start close to the root, but stop at intervals and curve the flat iron to create a C shape in the direction of your head. Repeat on each section of hair, paying special attention to the front pieces that will frame your face.

A photo posted by @emilia_clarke on

The Mother of Dragons

So, this next one is a bit of cliché, but we’re pretty excited about all the information being leaked from the set right now. We know for certain that some pretty big characters are returning and there are going to be some dynamite first meetings. Plus, Daenerys has singlehandedly made the platinum blonde braid the style of the decade. If you’re bold enough to be rocking an ice blonde tone already, it only takes some high quality hair extensions to turn you from regular everyday diva into a badass dragon rider who walks through fire.

The Ultimate Jessica Rabbit

We’ve also got some killer red hair extensions for girls with the confidence to pull off a convincing Jessica Rabbit costume. She’s the sexiest cartoon character ever drawn and an iconic image. So iconic that people will know exactly who you’re supposed to be, even if you don’t have a Roger by your side. You’ll need to introduce some body to the front section of your hair, because Mrs J has that gorgeous, undulating side fringe. Create it with an oversized roller and plenty of strong hold hairspray. Combine with a deliciously smoky eye and a slinky gown and you’re ready to win Halloween.

A photo posted by Laura Prepon (@lauraprepon) on


The Alex Vause

Or, you could use a completely different band of smoulder and put together your best Alex Vause. The prison bird is sure to be a popular Halloween choice, because the costume is really simple to put together. The hair is pretty basic too. The secret is getting yourself some irresistible specs and perfecting your cat eye liner. Then, wash and blow dry your hair, create a neat centre parting, and you’re good to go. Oh, and don’t forget to get the shade right! If it isn’t jet black, it’s not Vause. Pick up some temporary hair paint for a quick fix that can be washed out.

The post #hairhacks Halloween Hair Hacks appeared first on Hair Extensions News.

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Authored By Cliphair Extensions
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