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#haircare How to Care for Your Hair in winter

While there are all kinds of great reasons to look forward to winter, it can be quite a strain on the health of your hair. If you want it to look vital and shiny throughout the season, you’ve got be willing to put a little more work in. This can be frustrating sometimes, particularly if you’re dealing with a busy schedule already, but the wonderful thing about hair care routines is that you can cheat your way to gorgeous locks in a hundred different ways.

For example, organic hair masks are huge right now. You don’t even have to buy an expensive product from the beauty store. You can mix your own hair mask using olive oil, or a mixture of nourishing ingredients like coconut oil, avocado, and honey to form a root boosting, follicle flexing deep conditioning treatment. It’s just one way that you can make your hair routine work for you this winter and not the other way around.

Keep reading for some handy hints and tips on how to maintain that beautiful shine and health, even during the coldest months.

A photo posted by Shabby Alpaca (@shabbyalpaca) on

Wear a Comfy Winter Hat

Yes, we hear you – but what about the dreaded hat hair? Well, wearing a soft hat goes a long way to protecting your hair from the harsher elements (snow, wind, rain), so you should really be thinking about investing in a cute one for the winter. One neat way to prevent hat hair and the build-up static is to add a pretty scarf underneath. It will keep your chosen style in place and result in fewer flyaway hairs when you take it off.

Deep Condition Once Per Week

During the winter, we advise using a deep conditioning shampoo and conditioner or a hair mask at least once per week. Don’t overdo it (1-2 times is fine), but know that giving your tresses this type of attention is a really good way to maintain their strength. The cold temperatures, wind, and rain strip hair of its essential oils and deep conditioners can replenish them if used correctly.

Don’t Get Weird about Washing

For the most part, we’re all washing our hair too often anyway. Experts are now recommending that 2-3 times per week is better than every day or every other day. This is particularly true in winter, because over washing eliminates those essential oils. Also, do your best to avoid running out of the door with wet hair, even if you’re on a tight schedule. The instant temperature change will cause it to become brittle and at risk of breaking.

Invest in Quality Hair Extensions

If you’ve got quite unruly hair that is difficult to manage in the winter, it could be a good idea to invest in some high quality hair extensions. They provide an instant boost to fine, flagging, dull, or tired locks. Yeah, so it’s a bit of a cheat, but nobody will ever know the difference. Our real hair extensions are pretty much indistinguishable from natural hair once they’ve been attached and blended properly.

Get a Regular Trim

One of the most effective ways to protect hair from the ravages of winter is to keep up with regular routines. So, don’t let your ‘neatening up’ appointments slide. Split, dead ends need to be eliminated or they become an unnecessary weight on the hair. They make your locks look much duller and lanker than they need to. Get rid of them with a quick salon trim and you’ll start feeling bouncier and more gorgeous almost immediately.

The post #haircare How to Care for Your Hair in winter appeared first on Hair Extensions News.

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Authored By Cliphair Extensions
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