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Cliphair Colour Guides: Red & Auburn Hair Extensions 

The stunning, autumnal wildness that comes from auburn hair is rapidly growing in popularity. Luckily, here at Cliphair, we hold the crown for the most red and auburn shade varieties in hair extensions on the market today. With over 11 luxurious red hair shades to choose from, we cover everything from copper to mahogany to strawberry blonde, and everything in between. Whether your red hair is dark, light or even a mixture of both, we have the perfect shade of red and auburn hair extensions for you!

Colour Terminology Buster

Quite often in the hair and beauty industry technical language is used to describe products and shades. This is all well and good if you are trained to understand these words but for the everyday extension wearer it can be quite confusing! We’ve simplified some common colour terminology below to help you understand our descriptions, this could also help you when explaining to your stylist how you want your colour to look.

  • Undertones - Subtle tones underneath the hair surface that influence the overall colour.
  • Copper – A vibrant blend of red and bronze tones.
  • Mahogany – A deeper, browner red shade.
  • Auburn – A natural and more subtle ginger shade.
  • Ginger – Orange undertones.
  • Warm – Gold/Red undertones.
  • Golden – Yellow/Orange undertones.
  • Brassy – When the hair is too yellow or orange.

Light Auburn (#30)

A classic light auburn shade with both warmth and richness. This colour is perfectly suited to naturally red-haired beauties as it is not too vibrant, but still red enough to be considered an auburn.

Light Auburn (#30) is our top selling red shade which is why it can be found in all of our products from clip in hair extensions to professional hair extensions like tape in extensions.

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Flaming Ginger (#350)

Our flaming ginger hair extensions are the gift that keeps on giving, a truly fiery orange shade designed with vibrant redheads in mind. Bright, lively and luxurious, this powerful shade isn’t for the faint-hearted. Flaming Ginger works wonders on edgy orange hair or used in contrast with other shades to add a daring dash of colour.

As this is one of our top sellers, you can find this shade in all of our hair extension products from clip-in Ponytails to permanent hair extensions like Nano Ring Hair Extensions. It can be used by itself to match to the same shade or even added to warm, brunette hair to give a bold balayage effect.

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Dark Auburn/Copper (#33)

A darker more copper version of Light Auburn, the shade Dark Auburn has a little more sass to it. It can be used to match darker natural red heads but also dyed red hair as it is a little more vibrant. This colour can be found in many of our products, but mainly clip in extensions.

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Strawberry Blonde (#27)

Warm and beautifully glossy, this is our much-loved Strawberry Blonde. A soft, peachy colour that is also classed as a blonde due to its lightness. A classic, natural shade that works with both dyed and naturally light, ginger blonde hair.

This shade can be found in many of our hair extensions and is used a lot in our mixed shades. Due to its golden finish it complements both brunette and blonde colours to create striking highlights.

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Autumn Spice (#30B)

A bright, natural colour with warm, orange undertones that perfectly balances all the spice and uniqueness of natural ginger shades. Created in the heart of autumn to contribute to filling the industry gap for redheads, this shade is made for natural flaming hair that has a paler intensity.

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Cowgirl Copper (#350/33)

Named after the viral red hair trend, this zesty shade adds a tangy, vibrant copper twist to a rich, velvety dark auburn base. Sultry, romantic, and illuminated by the right amount of spice. Cowgirl Copper keeps things classy and trendy by mixing the unmatched class of our Dark Auburn hair extensions with a kick of delightfully copper-y Flaming Ginger.

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Mahogany Red (#99J)

Our Mahogany Red has been on quite a journey at Cliphair. This beloved shade once had a more pink and purple quality but has now been toned down to create this delicious deep wine shade. The depth of this red gives off the most dazzling shine and continues to be highly popular in autumn! When the light catches this colour, the vibrancy is at its full greatness.

This shade is available in everything from clip-in hair extensions to hair pieces to professional I-Tip hair extensions.

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Cinnamon Swirl Balayage

Cinnamon Swirl is a warm balayage made from a Light Auburn root flawlessly melting into ends of Strawberry Blonde and the same root shade. This shade is great for natural red heads looking to add some natural lightness to the ends of their hair. This shade is mostly available in Clip-In Hair Extensions but also can be purchased from our Tape In Extensions collection.

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Plum/Cherry Red (#530)

Plum/Cherry Red is a fun, vivid shade that makes you stand out from the crowd. The colour is similar to that of a Cherry Drop sweet with a velvety, gothic charm. This colour is fantastic added to Black hair to create funky flecks or Balayage’s or even added to the same dyed colour to add thickness and dramatic length.

You can find this colour in our clip-ins, including our One Piece Top Ups!

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Deep Red

Model using deep red hair extensions

Credit: @charlenetaylor_

Sultry and luxurious with just the right amount of vibrancy, this shade is a darker more subtle version of its sister Bright Red. It’s not often you see someone with this colour naturally so this will work best with dyed red hair.

As this is a relatively new shade of ours its only available in a select few products including tapes, clip-ins and our Clip In Fringe. As this shade grows with popularity it will be added to more products.

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Bright Red

Model usign bright red hair extensions

Credit: @miabakersollesse

Last but certainly not least, our brightest red shade yet! Housed in our funky collection, this knock-out scarlet red is extremely eye catching and very popular! We would advise having your hair dyed to match this shade or adding to natural hair to create fun, flaming streaks. You can find this shade in many of our hair extension products but mainly clip-ins and tapes.

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What Colour is Auburn Hair?

Auburn hair is a deep, orange toned shade of ginger hair. It is the most common natural red shade in the world. Due to its delicate vibrancy, it is also an extremely popular request in salons for hair dying as it is easy to achieve with minimal damage. If you’re considering transitioning to an auburn hair colour, we highly recommend consulting a professional hairdresser or hairstylist first.

How to Keep Red Hair From Fading?

If you’re wondering why your red hair is fading so fast, there’s actually a variety of reasons as to why this might be happening. Red hair can sometimes be a little tricky to maintain, however there are a few things you can do to prolong the vibrancy and make the commitment more than worth it!

Keep your hair as protected as possible by avoiding too much sun exposure. Wear a hat or stylish scarf to keep your locks healthy. Use a good colour lock shampoo specifically for red hair and avoid cleansing or clarifying shampoos as this will strip the colour over time. Stick to alcohol-free and sulphate-free products like our Deep Moisture Shampoo, Conditioner and Hair Mask. Dry, brittle and weak hair will repel colour like there is no tomorrow and fade much faster. To keep that freshly dyed look use a colour lock conditioner in every wash to keep your hair hydrated and healthy. 

Check out our blog expertly tailored to tackling vibrant colours that fade fast. It has everything you need to know about locking your colour in for as long as possible!


There’s a red or auburn shade for every mood and style, and our 3 best sellers are testament to that. Light Auburn offers a soft, natural warmth that blends seamlessly, Flaming Ginger adds a fiery vibrance perfect for making a striking impression, while Dark Auburn/Copper provides a rich, sultry tone.

Cliphair have a wide variety of luxury clip in extensions, as well as professional options like permanent extensions. Choose from our extensive collection of clip ins, tapes, weaves, nano rings and more for a jaw dropping transformation either at home or in your salon. All of our clip in and professional hair extensions range are high quality human hair extensions, meaning they are made from 100% Remy human hair and are some of the finest available on the market. Whatever you decide, you’ll always be making the right choice with Cliphair.

For more red head inspo, you can explore everything you need to know about ginger and red hair extensions in our latest blog.


Oikean kastanruskean pidennyksen sävyn valitsemiseksi ota huomioon luonnollinen hiusväri ja pohjasävysi. Jos hiuksissasi on lämmin pohjasävy, valitse lämpimämpi kastanjanruskea, jossa on vivahteita punaista ja oranssia. Jos haluat viileämpiä pohjasävyjä, valitse viileämpi kastanjanruskea, jossa on enemmän ruskeita tai viininpunaisia ​​sävyjä. Jos haluat täydellisen tarkkuuden, voit käyttää ainutlaatuista Väri rengas jossa voit yhdistää hiuksiisi sävyjämme mukavasti omassa kodissasi. On myös hyödyllistä sovittaa yhteen luonnollisen hiusvärisi syvyys – olipa se vaalea, keskipitkä tai tumma – saumattoman sekoituksen varmistamiseksi. Jos olet epävarma, ota yhteyttä kampaajaan tai ota yhteyttä meihin Color Match -palvelu WhatsAppin kautta saadaksesi ilmaisia ​​asiantuntijaneuvoja. Jos valitset mieluummin itse, valitse väri, joka vastaa lähimpänä keskipituutta ja päitä.

Kyllä, voit yhdistää punaiset kastanjanruskeat pidennykset muihin hiusväreihin luodaksesi moniulotteisen ilmeen. Esimerkiksi kastanjanruskea sopii hyvin ruskean, kuparin ja jopa vaalean kohokohtien kanssa. Jos luonnollinen hiustesi väri eroaa merkittävästi pidennyksistä, harkitse balayage- tai ombré-tekniikoiden käyttämistä tasaisemman siirtymän saavuttamiseksi. Hiusmuotoilija voi myös auttaa yhdistämään pidennykset luonnolliseen, harmoniseen vaikutukseen.

Säilytä punaisten kastanjanruskeiden pidennysten eloisuus ja pitkäikäisyys käyttämällä väriturvallisia ja sulfaattittomia Deep Moisture Shampoo ja Hoitoaine. Rajoita lämpömuotoilua, jotta hiukset eivät vahingoitu, ja käytä meidän Lämpösuojasuihke muotoilua tehdessä. Pidä pidennyksesi kosteutettuina hiuksiin jätettävillä hoitoaineilla tai hiusöljyillä estääksesi kuivumisen. Vältä lisäksi pitkäaikaista altistumista auringolle, koska se voi aiheuttaa haalistumista. Säännöllinen asioiden selvittely kanssamme Irrottava hiusharja tai lukkojen erottelu ja osiointi meidän kanssamme Pintail Comb auttaa myös pitämään pidennykset sileinä ja sotkeutumattomina.

Kun muotoilet punaisia ​​kastanjanruskeita pidennyksiä, pyri tyyleihin, jotka korostavat täyteläistä väriä, kuten löysät aallot tai kiharat, jotka voivat tuoda esiin kastanjanruskean sävyn syvyyttä ja kiiltoa. Vältä liiallista muotoilua lämmöllä vaurioiden estämiseksi ja valitse tarvittaessa matalalämpöisiä työkaluja. Saat luonnollisen lookin yhdistämällä pidennykset omiin hiuksiisi kampaamalla juurien lähelle tai käyttämällä volyymia lisääviä tuotteita. Lisäksi punokset, puolikuoppaiset tai tyylikkäät, silkkiset poninhännät, jotka on pidetty paikoillaan Kosteuttava silkkinen hiusspray voi myös korostaa kastanjanruskeiden hiusten mittasävyjä.

Etsitkö virheetöntä, salonkitasoista hiusta ilman, että budjetti kärsii? Cliphairilla meillä on sinut katettu ylellisillä klipsipidennyksillä nopeisiin muunnoksiin ja pysyville hiuspidennyksille kuten teippipidennyksille, nano-renkaille ja kudontapidennyksille pitkäkestoista loistoa varten. Pidennykset vaativat erityistä hoitoa ja ylläpitoa.
säilyttääksemme niiden laadun, minkä vuoksi meillä on kaikki huippuluokan kosteuttavat hiustenhoitotuotteet, välttämättömät tarvikkeet ja huoltotarvikkeet, joita tarvitaan tyylisi ylläpitämiseen.

Tarvitsetko täydellisen sävyn? Selaa koko valikoima ihmishiuspidennyksiämme yli 70 rikkaassa, silkkisessä sävyssä tai tutustu ILMAISEEN Pikaväriottelupalveluumme varmistaaksesi saumattoman yhdistämisen joka kerta. Keskustele ystävällisten asiantuntijoidemme tiimin kanssa, joka ottaa sinuun yhteyttä täydellisen sävyn kanssa alle 48 tunnissa, tai selaa Lookbookiamme nähdäksesi uusimmat hiustyylit Cliphair-yhteisön käytössä. Nopeasta pituudesta pitkäaikaiseen volyymiin, Cliphair on sinun valintasi hiuksille, joissa on poikkeuksellinen laatu ja loputtomat mahdollisuudet! 

Authored By Heather Collier
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