Choosing the Right Shade of Red Extensions for Redheads

Artikkelin lukuaika - 5 Mins

How to Choose Red Hair Extension Shades

When it comes to choosing the perfect set of red hair extensions , the possibilities are endless. Whether you’re naturally blessed with ginger locks or have embraced the red hair renaissance through hair dye, finding the right shade to match your unique look is key.

From rich auburn hair extensions to striking copper tones, our curated collection features an array of luxurious red shades designed to seamlessly blend with your style. In today’s blog, we’ll guide you through how to choose the best colours for ginger hair, so whether you’re leaning towards fiery, bright red or something more subtle like strawberry blonde, you’ll know exactly what colours go with ginger hair and how to elevate your look effortlessly!

Auburn red hair extensions for redheads

Although red hair is incredibly popular, only 2% of the world's population have naturally red hair, which is no surprise that redheads often have a harder time finding human hair extensions that match their hair coour due to the lack of variation in shades.

choosing the right hair extensions for redheads

There is such a wide range of hair extension colours available, but if you look a little closer, you’ll notice that when it comes to red hair, there is a visible lack of variety. You’ll often find a couple shades of red hair which are either too bright or just appear orange.

ginger red natural red hair extensions - best colour for redheads

However, here at Cliphair, we offer a variety range of red shades that have been specially dyed to ensure that each shade naturally blends in with a range of red hair colours.

natural red hair extensions human hairWe have various red shades to choose from, including, copper, bright and mixed tones, so you have the option to go with darker, lighter or mild ones to match your hair accordingly. Based on our signature red tones, we break down how to choose the right colour of red extensions that blend perfectly with your natural or dyed ginger hair.

best share for redheads - red ginger hair extensions

Strawberry/ Ginger Blonde (#27)

strawberry blonde hair- how to choose the right shade of red extensions for readheadsOur strawberry/ ginger blonde shade is one of our most popular colours in the red hair colours range. This golden honey, red toned shade looks refined with its gold undertones that elevate any style. This is the lightest shade of red in our range. The colour also offers more flexibility as it is naturally flattering to fair skin, but also flattering for a variety of skin tones, and often complements natural blondes or redheads. It makes an easy colour to work with when adding to your own hair. If you aren’t ready to fully commit to the full strawberry/ ginger blonde look, try adding highlights of this colour throughout your mane.

Bright Red Hair Extensions

bright red vibrant hair extensions human hair

This red is for the bold, and as this is not a natural red hair colour, our Bright Red hair extensions are for those looking for a vivid, intense colour. If you are naturally a redhead, we recommend this colour if you’re considering going brighter. As red hair is thicker and holds its pigment stronger than any other hair colour, it’s best to avoid bleaching as it damages the hair. If you are looking for a colour match, this colour would be more suitable for a more orange base red than a pink base.

bright red hair extensions how to choose the right shade of red extensions for readheadsThe colour is really vibrant, so if you wish to add a pop of colour, bright red clip in highlights will stand out well against medium brown hair. The bright red shade is easy to wash, curl and responds well to styling.

Light Auburn (#30)

how to choose the right extensions for redheads red colour - auburn hairA sophisticated shade of russet auburn, our light auburn hair extensions are made up of a dark brown base with tints of red and orange throughout.

how to choose the right colour for redhead red hairThis colour especially completements those with a pale skin complexion.

auburn human hair extensions shade 30For those who want to try auburn without going too dark, this light auburn shade makes the perfect choice. 

Dark Auburn/Copper Red (#33)

how do i choose red hair for me ? dark auburn red extensionsThis hair colour sits right between red and brown hair, creating a copper hue that’s rich, warm and flattering for most skin tones and hair colours. The advantage of this colour is its slight change in colour under the light. Under light, the hair appears more vivid, usually changing from its dark chocolatey hues to a rusty copper shade.

dark auburn red hair extensions for redheads

Dark auburn/ copper red is also a natural hair colour, making it appear naturally luscious. If you have darker hair and wish to switch to a flattering lighter colour that has hints or red undertones, then this shade will certainly intensify your look. Depending on your skin tone, this colour will either have a vibrant or soft appearance.

Ginger/Natural Red (#350)

ginger red natural red extensions - how to choose the right shade for redheads

Our most natural red shade, this colour blends well with most red hair colours. This classic, warm and rich ginger shade is perfect for those with copper-ginger red hair and also makes the right pick for natural redheads who often find it hard to find true ginger extensions to match their hair.

how to pick the right shade of red extensions for red hairThe shade has warm copper and red undertones, which become visible under direct sunlight.

Mahogany Red (#99J)

Mahogany red hair extensions

This rich, glossy shade has a reddish-brown hair colour with some cool violet undertones. This tone also complements those with brunette hair, however, because this shade is a multi-dimensional colour, it has both cool and warm tones, meaning it works just well with any complexion. Opt for this colour to add radiance and glow to dull brown hair, or if you wish to go darker, this colour is perfect for those transitioning from lighter colours. This is a colour that delivers vibrancy, shine and depth to your hair.

mahogany red deep wine hair extensions

Plum/Cherry Red (#530)

cherry red hair extensions

A natural blend of red and purple, the plum/ cherry red shade is great for anyone looking for a powerful but fun look without going too bright and intense.

This shade easily blends with hair that’s already brown, but also works with those with warm undertones. If you maintain your plum extensions, this colour will continue to look rich and lustrous under any light.


Selecting the perfect shade of red hair extensions is all about matching your unique tone and enhancing your natural beauty. Whether you’re after vibrant copper hair extensions or the rich depth of auburn, knowing what colours go with ginger hair will make all the difference in achieving a flawless blend. When choosing extensions, always consider your skin tone, your natural or dyed red locks, and experiment with various red hair colour shades to find your ideal match.

Our extensive range of red hair extensions , from fiery reds to soft strawberry blonde, ensures that you'll find the best colours for ginger hair to compliment your look effortlessly. Ready to find your perfect shade of red extensions? Browse our collection now!


Löytääksesi parhaan sävyn punaiset pidennykset Käytä luonnollisia punaisia ​​hiuksiasi, sovita ne aina keskipituisiin ja latvoihin. Jos et löydä tarkkaa vastinetta, harkitse vaaleampien punaisten tai blondien sekoittamista läpi luodaksesi balayage-vaikutelman, joka näyttää silti luonnolliselta.

Lisäksi valaistuksella on keskeinen rooli, joten sovita pidennyksesi aina luonnonvalossa varmistaaksesi saumattoman sekoituksen.

Kyllä, voit ehdottomasti sekoittaa eri sävyjä punaisia ​​hiuspidennyksiä saadaksesi luonnollisemman ilmeen. Tämä on erityisen hyödyllistä, jos hiuksissasi on kohokohtia tai heikompia vaaleita, kuten sekoitussävyjä kupari ja kastanjanruskea voivat lisätä ulottuvuutta ja syvyyttä, jolloin pidennykset sulautuvat virheettömästi ainutlaatuiseen hiusväriisi.

Suosituimpia punatukkaisten pidennyssävyjä ovat mm kupari, kastanjanruskea, ja mansikka blondi. Nämä sävyt ovat monipuolisia, ja ne täydentävät kauniisti erilaisia ​​luonnollisia punaisia ​​sävyjä tarjoten kaikkea täyteläisestä eloisuudesta pehmeisiin, hienovaraisiin sävyihin.

Säilytä punaisten hiusten eloisuus käyttämällä väriä kestäviä shampoita ja hoitoaineita, kuten Deep Moisture Shampoo ja Hoitoaineäläkä pese niitä liian usein. Suojaa pidennyksesi lämmöltä ja UV-altistukselta ja harkitse väriä levittävän naamion käyttöä, jotta punaiset sävyt pysyvät tuoreina ja eloisina ajan myötä.

Etsitkö virheetöntä, salonkitasoista hiusta ilman, että budjetti kärsii? Cliphairilla meillä on sinut katettu ylellisillä klipsipidennyksillä nopeisiin muunnoksiin ja pysyville hiuspidennyksille kuten teippipidennyksille, nano-renkaille ja kudontapidennyksille pitkäkestoista loistoa varten. Pidennykset vaativat erityistä hoitoa ja ylläpitoa.
säilyttääksemme niiden laadun, minkä vuoksi meillä on kaikki huippuluokan kosteuttavat hiustenhoitotuotteet, välttämättömät tarvikkeet ja huoltotarvikkeet, joita tarvitaan tyylisi ylläpitämiseen.

Tarvitsetko täydellisen sävyn? Selaa koko valikoima ihmishiuspidennyksiämme yli 70 rikkaassa, silkkisessä sävyssä tai tutustu ILMAISEEN Pikaväriottelupalveluumme varmistaaksesi saumattoman yhdistämisen joka kerta. Keskustele ystävällisten asiantuntijoidemme tiimin kanssa, joka ottaa sinuun yhteyttä täydellisen sävyn kanssa alle 48 tunnissa, tai selaa Lookbookiamme nähdäksesi uusimmat hiustyylit Cliphair-yhteisön käytössä. Nopeasta pituudesta pitkäaikaiseen volyymiin, Cliphair on sinun valintasi hiuksille, joissa on poikkeuksellinen laatu ja loputtomat mahdollisuudet! 

Authored By Codelia Mantsebo
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