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How to Get Crimped Hair

Think crimped hair is a relic of your Mum’s 80s wardrobe? Think again – the crimped hair comeback is here, and it’s cooler than ever. Gone are the days of stiff, backcombed styles doused in hairspray. The new crimped hair trend is all about texture, volume, and effortless waves, with a dash of modern flair. Graphic locks, beachy mermaid waves, and textured up-dos are making their mark on the latest hair styling trends, and they’re ready to take your look to the next level. Whether you’re craving that bouncy texture or looking for a fun way to enhance your natural waves, our Remy human hair extensions are the perfect way to add length, volume, and an extra dose of style. Explore how this nostalgic trend is reimagined and how extensions can help you achieve a flawless, crimped look that’s all your own!

What Is Crimped Hair?

If you’re lucky enough to not have old photos of yourself with frazzled hair hiding in the attic - crimped hair is a method of styling straight hair into a statement look using a zig-zag effect. These tiny, sharp indentions give fine, straight hair tons of volume.

First made famous by Barbara Streisand in the 70s, her hairdresser, Geri Cusenza, created the modern crimping iron to counteract the tedious process of braiding all of her bonce. Suddenly crimped hair became an instant and effortless hairstyle.

The look didn’t peak until the 80s however, where volumised kinks went hand in hand with power shoulders, red blusher and blue eyeshadow. It carried over to the 90s where the look had a grunge makeover with 90s babes such as Drew Barrymore and Courtney Love rocking the vibe. Then – blip – it disappeared from our radar for around a decade… much to some people’s relief.

But over the last few years, the crimp has started to creep onto our radar again. Beyonce, Nikki Minaj and Kendal Jenner are all crimp aficionados for the Millennial and Gen Z generations.

For those of you who the thought of crimping brings out in a sweat – don’t worry! The updated crimp can be cool, glamorous and dare we say, even sophisticated…

How To Crimp Hair

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The easiest way to crimp your hair is to use a heated crimping iron. Similar to a straightener, a crimper has hot plates but with tiny grooves on to create the desired zigzagged effect. As with any heated styling tool, spray your hair with heat protection spray before styling. Our Cliphair Heat Protection Spray is the perfect choice if you have hair extensions.

Don’t want to add unnecessary heat to your hair? There is another way. It takes longer but is sooo much better for your hair in the long run. Dampen your hair and simply plait into small braids. Leave for a couple of hours or overnight and then unravel. Hey presto! You have lovely crimped waves -minus the hair damage.

Iconic 80s Crimped Hair Looks

Madonna with short crimped hair

Cyndi Lauper in her punk rock crimped hair

Demi Moore Sporting her crimped hair

Which 80s celebrity DIDN’T rock the crimp back in the era of excess? Um, none. Whitney Houston’s long blonde crimped tresses and little red dress on the cover of ‘I Wanna Dance With Somebody’ will go down in history as one of the most iconic record covers. Madonna’s punky crimped locks paired with a black lace bow is one of the singer’s most famous looks, whilst Cyndi Lauper was a style icon with her acid yellow hair and jagged crimps. 

Heck, even the guys got on board with pop princes such as Boy George and Pete Burns rocking the zig-zags.  

The trend calmed down a touch in the 90s but continued to prevail. Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears sported brightly coloured crimped highlights for their performances, whilst actress Drew Barrymore opted for a cooler style by pairing her crimps with a centre parting, cute 90s clips and brown lipstick – a look Gen Z are sure to be obsessing over.

The Modern Crimp Vs the 80/90s Crimp

The 80s crimp was all about the OTTs and volume. Every inch of the hair was crimped, backcombed and sprayed to the high heavens. Hair damage? Pah – no one cared about that in the 80s! The look was all about creating a dramatic style - whatever the cost. 

The 90s crimp was less about the volume and more about the dimension. Super long, straight hair was en vogue (thanks Rachel Green) but celebs still crimped sections of it to add texture and contrast. Clips and twisted updos tended to accompany crimps in this decade.

But what does the crimp look like now?

The 2021 crimp has shed all of its trashy connotations by transforming into a modern, arty hairstyle that’s fash-pack approved. From softer waves to a texture clash of crimps and curls, the updated crimp is pretty, cool and diverse, meaning whatever your style – there’s a crimp for you.

4 Ways to Rock a Modern Crimp

Panelled Crimps

Panelled Crimp

Forget about the crimped-to-every-inch-of-your-life 80s style. This is how to do statement crimps the 2021 way. Take super straight, glossy locks (long is best – check out our Full Head Clip In Hair Extensions if you need help in the length department) and crimp random sections of your hair. You can either go vertically, horizontally or even try staggering the crimps if you like – you have total artistic control over this look!

Wave Crimps

Often known as Mermaid Waves, this is a softer take on the crimped look and has more of a wavy/curly feel going on, albeit with a uniformed, glossy texture. You can go for small waves or deep waves. A crimper with an S-shaped groove is best for this look, such as the Bondi Boost Wave Wand £57.99. Just clamp down each section of your hair for gorgeous mermaid waves. Or you could try our Wavy Clip In Hair Extensions for INSTANT goddess hair!

Textured Up-Do

Textured crimp updo

This is one for the limp, fine-haired babes out there. If your hair falls flatter than a pancake when trying to sport a textured updo – just add crimps. Nothing creates volume faster than these nifty zig-zags. Crimp as much hair as you feel to create the desired oomph then brush out. Hair should resemble a cloud. Pin back your gloriously pumped up hair and mould it into whatever style you like. Your volume will last for DAYS – we promise.

Laidback Crimps

Gigi Hadid Loose crimped hair

Granted, sporting zig-zags in your hair isn’t for those who prefer the au natural look. Or is it? There is a way to create a laidback, textured style using the crimping method. Rough dry hair with a diffuser to encourage natural waves or curls, then sporadically crimp random sections gently – we’re going for soft kinks rather than graphic zig-zags - for a dishevelled look. Crimp a mixture of ends, lengths and roots for a ‘woke up like this’ vibe.

Do you crimp your hair? What’s your favourite crimped hairstyle for 2021?

Or Alternatively you can try...

ClipHair Wavy Hair Extensions (Pre-crimped clip-ins)

Here at Cliphair, our Wavy Full Head hair extensions are the perfect companion to crimped hair. They are pre-waved which means you can clip them in and go, there is no need to style them yourself! They come in a set of 8 pieces that can be placed all over the head, you can even get creative and only use the small side pieces when you’re after a more panelled, random crimped effect.

With 16 different shades to choose from in a variety of lengths, you can use these Hair extensions to enhance any loose crimped look. Take a look at our Wavy Collection here…


The crimped hair comeback is proof that some trends only get better with time. Albeit a little retro, the current crimped hair trend has evolved into a chic, textured style that’s perfect for those looking to add volume, movement, and personality to their look. Whether you’re rocking mermaid waves or a textured updo, Cliphair hair extensions are the ideal way to elevate your crimped hairstyle. Our human hair extensions are designed to blend seamlessly with natural hair, giving you the volume and length you need for a stunning, natural finish. Ready to take your crimped hair to the next level?

Need help choosing the right extensions? Our team is always here to assist you in finding the perfect match for your hair.


Voit saavuttaa poimutetut hiukset kotona käyttämällä muutamia eri menetelmiä. Yksi yleisimmistä tavoista on puristusraudan käyttö. Aloita pesemällä ja kuivaamalla hiukset ja jaa ne sitten osiin. Työskentele pienempien osien kanssa saadaksesi selkeämmän puristuksen. Aseta puristusrauta kohtalaiselle lämmölle ja purista kutakin osaa muutaman sekunnin ajan liikuttaen hiusten pituutta alaspäin. Jos sinulla ei ole puristusrautaa, voit käyttää punontatekniikoita. Pujota kosteat hiuksesi tiukasti ja anna niiden kuivua kokonaan, ennen kuin purat punokset paljastaaksesi poimuttuneen rakenteen. Toinen vaihtoehto on käyttää kiharrussauvoja, joissa on erityisiä puristusliittimiä tai jopa tasaista rautaa, jos olet varovainen painaessasi hiuksia siksak-liikkeellä.

Poimutettuja kampauksia voidaan tehdä eri hiustyypeille, mutta tulokset voivat vaihdella. Ohuilla tai suorilla hiuksilla on taipumus pitää hyvin poimutettuja tyylejä, mikä antaa niille runsaan, teksturoidun ilmeen. Paksuissa tai kiharissa hiuksissa sileän poimutuksen saavuttaminen voi viedä enemmän aikaa tai vaatia enemmän lämpöä, mutta se voidaan silti tehdä oikeilla työkaluilla. Kiharat hiukset voivat aiheuttaa löysemmän poimutuskuvion, kun taas karkeammat hiukset saattavat tarvita lisätuotteita pitääkseen tyylin paikoillaan. Halutun vaikutuksen saavuttamiseksi on tärkeää valita puristustekniikka tai työkalu, joka sopii juuri sinun hiusrakenteeseesi.

Poimutettujen hiusten kesto riippuu useista tekijöistä, mukaan lukien poimutusmenetelmä ja hiustyyppisi. Jos käytät puristusrautaa ja pidät tyyliä paikallaan hiuslakalla, poimutetut hiukset voivat kestää muutamasta tunnista vuorokauteen tai pidempään. Pitkäkestoisempien tulosten saamiseksi voi auttaa kovettavilla tuotteilla, kuten mousse tai muotoilugeeli. Muista kuitenkin, että kosteus, hiusten rakenne ja käytetyn lämmön taso vaikuttavat kaikki siihen, kuinka kauan poimutettu ilme pysyy ehjänä.

Kyllä, poimutettuja hiuksia voidaan yhdistää muihin kampauksiin ainutlaatuisen ilmeen luomiseksi. Voit esimerkiksi sekoittaa poimutettuja hiuksia löysälle aallolle, luoda puoliksi ylös, puoliksi alaspäin suuntautuvan tyylin poimutetuilla alaosilla tai jopa yhdistää ne palmikoihin tai poninhäntiin saadaksesi lisää tekstuuria. Poimutettuja hiuksia voidaan käyttää myös lisäämään volyymia ja ulottuvuutta upseihin tai muihin luoviin tyyleihin. Yhdistelemällä puristusta muihin tekniikoihin saat persoonallisemman ja dynaamisemman kampauksen.

Etsitkö virheetöntä, salonkitasoista hiusta ilman, että budjetti kärsii? Cliphairilla meillä on sinut katettu ylellisillä klipsipidennyksillä nopeisiin muunnoksiin ja pysyville hiuspidennyksille kuten teippipidennyksille, nano-renkaille ja kudontapidennyksille pitkäkestoista loistoa varten. Pidennykset vaativat erityistä hoitoa ja ylläpitoa.
säilyttääksemme niiden laadun, minkä vuoksi meillä on kaikki huippuluokan kosteuttavat hiustenhoitotuotteet, välttämättömät tarvikkeet ja huoltotarvikkeet, joita tarvitaan tyylisi ylläpitämiseen.

Tarvitsetko täydellisen sävyn? Selaa koko valikoima ihmishiuspidennyksiämme yli 70 rikkaassa, silkkisessä sävyssä tai tutustu ILMAISEEN Pikaväriottelupalveluumme varmistaaksesi saumattoman yhdistämisen joka kerta. Keskustele ystävällisten asiantuntijoidemme tiimin kanssa, joka ottaa sinuun yhteyttä täydellisen sävyn kanssa alle 48 tunnissa, tai selaa Lookbookiamme nähdäksesi uusimmat hiustyylit Cliphair-yhteisön käytössä. Nopeasta pituudesta pitkäaikaiseen volyymiin, Cliphair on sinun valintasi hiuksille, joissa on poikkeuksellinen laatu ja loputtomat mahdollisuudet! 

Authored By Abbey Wilson
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