brown hair extensions

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How to Choose Brown Hair Extension Shades

If you're seeking brown hair extensions that flawlessly blend with your natural or dyed hair, you're in the right place. Brown hair extensions are a go-to in the beauty world, thanks to the versatility and richness of this classic hue. But with so many different shades of brown hair, from deep chestnut to sun-kissed caramel, it can be tricky to find the perfect match.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the spectrum of brown hair extensions, offering expert tips on choosing the right shade to elevate your look and seamlessly complement your complexion. Whether you're enhancing your existing brown hair with extensions or adding volume and length to create a new style, we’ve got all the insider details to help you achieve effortlessly beautiful results!

Darkest Brown #2

Darkest brown #2 shade snippet

Our darkest brown shade, Darkest Brown #2. This is a beautiful rich and warm glossy espresso coffee shade oozes elegance and sophistication. The deep brown and neutral undertones of this shade will have your hair looking good any time of the year.

This striking deep shade seamlessly blends with most mid to dark tone brunette colours and will look gorgeous worn straight or curly. It's gorgeous with any look, but really brings out your features when paired with either a strong lip colour, or sultry eye makeup.

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Dark Brown #3

Dark Brown #3 shade snippet

Our Dark Brown #3 is a mocha-inspired brown with a combination of rich, warm brown undertones. This colour looks very natural, and seamlessly blends natural brunettes or those with dyed-medium-brown hair. It’s also a great shade to help give your face a soft glow.

The warm undertones of this shade look rich and delicious under direct sunlight.

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Medium Brown #4

Medium Brown #4 shade snippet

Our most popular brunette shade, Medium Brown #4. This is a chocolate brown mid tone shade, with some golden and red undertones. The multi tonal colouring system of this shade allows it to blend with quite a few colours even if it isn’t a quite perfect match.

The variety of tones running through this indulgent shade give the hair a beautiful shiny radiant finish, and the shade looks beautiful looks against sun kissed skin. Get that mirror shine for your brown hair extensions, simply apply some and finishing shine spray.

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Toffee Brown #5

Toffee Brown #5 shade snippet

A light and warm brown blend of golden and red undertones, this toffee brown shade has a multidimensional colour looks gorgeous when paired with medium, warm skin tones.

This warm shade gives adds some spiciness to your look, the colours combined together make this you the perfect colour for all occasions.

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Light Brown #6

Light Brown #6 shade snippet

Our Lightest Brown #6 shade is a light brown tone combined with brown and gold undertones, this brown is lighter than Medium Brown with gorgeous golden undertones, giving the hair a glimmering quality.

Again, this shade has a multi tonal colouring system, meaning the many different undertones running through the hair allow it to blend easily with a variety of shades. With flecks of red and blonde that change seasonally, this shade looks pretty with paler skin tones – but can add a kick to darker tones. If you went chestnut at the beginning of the summer, you will have noticed that the golden tones were coming out, particularly at the front if you tie your hair up a lot. As it gets cooler, some of the red will start to become evident in the sunlight, it is so rich a colour and with these undertones is a total October winner.

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Mousey Brown (#6B)

Mousey Brown #6B shade snippet

Mousy doesn't mean boring, our shade #6 is a naturally light classic brown with ashy and cool undertones. It's both flattering and easy to maintain.

This is perfect if you want to enhance your naturally dark locks with rare sweeps of oh-so glossy ashy brown around the face.

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Mid Ash Brown #8

Medium Ash Brown #8

A medium brown with ashy and cool undertones, this shade is a lighter brown with subtle golden, red and ash tones running through it. This makes the shade have a gorgeous shine to it, and the variety of undertones give it an extremely natural look whilst allowing it to blend seamlessly with your own hair.

This gorgeously flattering shade is perfect if you have golden, creamy and ashy brunette hues.

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Ash Brown #9

Ash Brown #9 shade snippet

Our lightest ash brown with cool undertones, this is a tone which can be carried off by all skin tones and looks great paired with dramatic makeup as well as a simple glossy lip and lashings of mascara. Ash Brown can look gorgeous when styled poker straight, as it holds a shine beautifully.

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We offer a free colour match service, so if you look at the photos and you’re still not too sure on which shade would be best for you, you can send photos to our colour matching experts on who will take a look at your photos and find your perfect match, or you can use our free colour match service.

Looking after your brown hair extensions

Because brown hair extensions often quite dark, they require a bit of TLC to avoid damaging. Read on our top tips on how to looks after your brunette extensions.

We have listed some go-to tips on how to keep your brown hair extensions looking glossy and healthy at all times. This goes the same if you dye your hair extensions brown instead of using hair extensons

Shampoo + Conditioner

The big thing to assess which shampoo and conditioner is right for your is to look at which tone of brunette you have. Each set comes with some form of undertone from copper to rich mocha tones. These will become more or less obvious depending on the season. Using the right products ensures that your undertones don’t make your hair look a funny colour.

You may have heard of purple shampoo to help your friends that dye their hair blonde avoid brassiness and keep their hair colour brighter for longer. This is similar to brunette hair. Instead of purple, blue shampoo is recommended to keep your brunette locks brass free. Why blue? This keeps richer red undertones at bay that are in a lot of brunette colours.

UV protection

Don’t wait too long to use a colour rinse. As soon as you see the red colour is fading between colour treatments. The rinse colour treatment will give extra vibrancy to the hair. This will keep your hair looking fresher for longer and stop you having to dye your hair too soon (let’s face it we all know that dying your hair isn’t great for it). There is a big difference between being a redhead and brassy locks. Colours like strawberry blonde are notoriously hard to master and it becomes hard to avoid the brass. What will help is toner, and don’t skimp on it. This will keep your colour ‘purer’ for longer.


Choosing the right shade of brown hair extensions is key to achieving a flawless, natural look that complements your unique style. With so many different shades of brown hair, from warm golden hues to cool ash tones, finding the perfect match can feel overwhelming – but it doesn’t have to be.

Our extensive range of brown hair extensions ensures that no matter your shade or undertone, there's an option that will blend seamlessly with your hair. Whether you’re enhancing your natural locks or experimenting with brown hair with extensions, we have the perfect match for you! Our Colour Match Service will provide you with the perfect shade in a matter of hours! Simply send a few photographs of the front, back and sides of your hair, making sure to show your roots and mid-lengths, via our WhatsApp channel and we’ll provide you with a shade accurate to your natural colour.


Etsi sävy, joka vastaa läheisesti luonnollista hiusväriäsi luonnonvalossa. Jos olet epävarma, on parempi mennä hieman vaaleampi, kuten tummemmat sävyt voi olla havaittavampi. Saat tarkimman vastaavuuden tilaamalla a näytekappale sävyissä, jotka olet jumissa ennen kuin sitoudut koko sarjaan.

Harkitse hiustesi pohjasävyjä (lämmin, viileä, neutraali), pidennysten rakennetta ja sitä, kuinka hyvin sävy sulautuu latviin. Yhdistä pidennykset luonnollisiin hiuksiisi luonnollisessa valaistuksessa saadaksesi tarkimman vertailun.

Kyllä, voit käyttää vaaleampia tai tummempia ruskeita pidennyksiä luodaksesi korostetun efektin värjäämättä luonnollisia hiuksiasi. Valitse kontrasti sävyjä tarkemman ilmeen saamiseksi.

Pese ne varovasti parabeenittomalla sulfaatillamme Deep Moisture Shampoo, vältä liiallista lämpömuotoilua ja käsittele niitä säännöllisesti, jotta ne säilyttävät pehmeyden ja kiiltomme Deep Moisture Conditioner. Säilytä niitä oikein meidän kanssamme Hiustenpidennysripustin ja -teline sotkeutumisen estämiseksi, kun sitä ei käytetä.

Etsitkö virheetöntä, salonkitasoista hiusta ilman, että budjetti kärsii? Cliphairilla meillä on sinut katettu ylellisillä klipsipidennyksillä nopeisiin muunnoksiin ja pysyville hiuspidennyksille kuten teippipidennyksille, nano-renkaille ja kudontapidennyksille pitkäkestoista loistoa varten. Pidennykset vaativat erityistä hoitoa ja ylläpitoa.
säilyttääksemme niiden laadun, minkä vuoksi meillä on kaikki huippuluokan kosteuttavat hiustenhoitotuotteet, välttämättömät tarvikkeet ja huoltotarvikkeet, joita tarvitaan tyylisi ylläpitämiseen.

Tarvitsetko täydellisen sävyn? Selaa koko valikoima ihmishiuspidennyksiämme yli 70 rikkaassa, silkkisessä sävyssä tai tutustu ILMAISEEN Pikaväriottelupalveluumme varmistaaksesi saumattoman yhdistämisen joka kerta. Keskustele ystävällisten asiantuntijoidemme tiimin kanssa, joka ottaa sinuun yhteyttä täydellisen sävyn kanssa alle 48 tunnissa, tai selaa Lookbookiamme nähdäksesi uusimmat hiustyylit Cliphair-yhteisön käytössä. Nopeasta pituudesta pitkäaikaiseen volyymiin, Cliphair on sinun valintasi hiuksille, joissa on poikkeuksellinen laatu ja loputtomat mahdollisuudet! 

Authored By Codelia Mantsebo
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