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10 Things To Consider If You're Thinking Of Going Red

Red is an amazing colour: sultry, peppy, romantic, vivacious. Depending on the shade you’re thinking of, your red hair can communicate a lot of different things. Either way, two things are guaranteed: one, your change won’t go unnoticed. And two, there will be a few adjustments you’ll need to make. Ready to go red? Let’s see together how to be prepared for your makeover, and get the best results out of your fiery tresses when the time comes.

1. The Best Makeup For Red Hair

The first thing you’ll need to adapt to is new makeup. As you’ll probably know, every hair colour works best with certain shades - and red is no exception!

The Redead Edit by Charlotte Tilbury is an awesome page to take inspiration from. But generally speaking, here’s a list of the best makeup tips for redheads:

  • Earthy tones always work best on your eyelids
  • Peach, dusty pink, mauve and plum do wonders on lips
  • Bronze and burnished tones for your cheeks are always a yes
  • Black mascara is the best way to frame your eyes
  • Black smokey eyes, kohl and eyeliner are the perfect way to spice your look up for a night out!
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2. Eyebrow Makeup For Redheads

If you have blonde eyebrows, you may need to match them to your red hair. You can do this with eyebrow tints, or makeup - depending on the style you’re looking to recreate. From brow-lift kits to a simple eyebrow pencil, each look requires a different tool.

3. A Redhead’s Closet

Red hair can get an accent by choosing the right colours when putting an outfit together. We all know that blondes look awesome in bold, vivacious tones and that brunettes make the most out of neutrals and earthy colours. So what are the perfect shades for a redhead? Powder, navy and cobalt blue, turquoise and denim work wonders when worn by a ruby-headed individual. Dark, blueberry-like tones, emerald green and cherry reds are incredibly flattering too.

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Need to go neutral? Avoid pastel colours, as they tend to wash out. Opt instead for an elegant white. Purple makes a surprisingly good option too, but only in its darker variants (lilac isn’t recommended). Of course the choice of your clothing shades also depends on your skin undertone. To better understand how a colour would look on you, you can always refer to a colour analysis website to find out what shades suit you better.

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4. Red Hair Requires Different Products

In general, treated hair needs to be taken care of in a different way compared to virgin hair. First of all, red and coppery shades are waaaay more high-maintenance when compared to blondes or darker shades. Red is a pigment that naturally washes off quite quickly, and you’ll need to make a few adjustments to make your hair colour last longer. You can try:

  • Cold rinse
  • Colour-preserving shampoo and conditioner
  • A red hair mask
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5. You May Need To Change Your Towel

If you are dyeing your hair red at home, be prepared for your bathroom to look like a gruesome crime scene. When rinsing your hair from your box-dye experiments, the pigment will be way unapologetically visible - and it may not fully leave your tresses either. This means, as red hair in general washes out easily, that your dye job  may stain your favourite hair towel. Changing your hair towel to a darker shade will help you conceal these colouring accidents!

6. Red Hair Is High-Maintenance

Whoever thought that the standard hair colour for a princess is blonde, clearly never had to deal with the highs and lows of being a redhead. Red is a bright, naturally vivid shade - and in order to stay that way, it requires frequent and regular trips to the salon. Ideally, the average redhead needs to top up every four to six weeks.

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7. Heat Protectant Will Be Your Best Friend

Generally speaking you should always use a heat protectant spray on your tresses - and whilst it is possible to close an eye on those with virgin hair that are a little forgetful about this when styling their mane, those with coloured and/or treated hair cannot be forgiven. You will need to make peace with the fact that heat-based styling tools can and will damage your hair and make your hair colour fade quickly if you don’t use the right products before, during and after your styling process. If you need to stock up, get your Cliphair heat protectant spray now.

8. Your First Red Dye Job Won’t Look Exactly How You Want it

Red is a highly pigmented colour, and your first time going red might look different than what you imagined. Saturated hair dye can do that to you - but don’t worry, after a couple of washes (or, in some cases, even just one) you’ll get a slightly more delicate hair colour.

9. Your Skin Might Look Different

When I dyed my hair red the first time, I immediately noticed that it made my skin tone look warmer, including my lips. This made me want to change not only my make up products in general, but also how and where I applied it.

10. The Perfect Hair Extensions For Red Hair Are Harder To Find

Red is a rare hair colour in nature, and although we managed to find a way to give ourselves the scarlet tresses we wanted, finding the perfect match when it comes to hair extensions is still a little hard. We don’t really recommend dyeing your hair extensions at all, so we did our best to source and treat the perfect red hair extensions for our beloved flame-haired customers. From warm blondes to spicy mixed shades, cherry red, coppery tones and natural ginger colours, our range of Remy hair extensions for redheads established itself as top-quality and inclusive.

red hair extensions

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11. Conclusion:

If you just went through this list, you are now ready to be a redhead hero. Red hair will make you stand out from the crowd, and it can make you more confident. Be ready to receive a lot of comments, compliments and attention - after all, being a redhead is a full-time job!

Etsitkö virheetöntä, salonkitasoista hiusta ilman, että budjetti kärsii? Cliphairilla meillä on sinut katettu ylellisillä klipsipidennyksillä nopeisiin muunnoksiin ja pysyville hiuspidennyksille kuten teippipidennyksille, nano-renkaille ja kudontapidennyksille pitkäkestoista loistoa varten. Pidennykset vaativat erityistä hoitoa ja ylläpitoa.
säilyttääksemme niiden laadun, minkä vuoksi meillä on kaikki huippuluokan kosteuttavat hiustenhoitotuotteet, välttämättömät tarvikkeet ja huoltotarvikkeet, joita tarvitaan tyylisi ylläpitämiseen.

Tarvitsetko täydellisen sävyn? Selaa koko valikoima ihmishiuspidennyksiämme yli 70 rikkaassa, silkkisessä sävyssä tai tutustu ILMAISEEN Pikaväriottelupalveluumme varmistaaksesi saumattoman yhdistämisen joka kerta. Keskustele ystävällisten asiantuntijoidemme tiimin kanssa, joka ottaa sinuun yhteyttä täydellisen sävyn kanssa alle 48 tunnissa, tai selaa Lookbookiamme nähdäksesi uusimmat hiustyylit Cliphair-yhteisön käytössä. Nopeasta pituudesta pitkäaikaiseen volyymiin, Cliphair on sinun valintasi hiuksille, joissa on poikkeuksellinen laatu ja loputtomat mahdollisuudet! 

Authored By Brenda L.
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