10 Of The Best Hairstyles For Oval Faces

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10 Of The Best Hairstyles For Oval Faces

Oval faces – you have the best face shape for experimenting with hairstyles! How cool is that? With balanced proportions and versatile features, you can pull off a wide range of looks. But which ones truly stand out? We’ve narrowed it down to 10 flattering hairstyles for oval faces that highlight your natural beauty and enhance your look. If you’re among the individuals with an oval face shape searching for the best hairstyles that perfectly complement your features, you’re in the right place.

From chic oval face haircuts to voluminous styles that benefit from hair extensions for oval faces, this guide offers expert advice to elevate your style. Want to take your new hairstyle to the next level? Check out our guide on choosing the perfect length of hair extensions for additional styling tips.

But First… What Is An Oval Face?

 An oval face shape is a perfectly symmetrical shape. Your face is slightly longer than it is wide, and your cheekbones are the widest part of your face. The silhouette is soft and gently curves out around your cheekbones, with your forehead and chin rounded and petite. The overall look is chic, slender and feminine. 

Here are few Oval Face Shape Celebrities: 

  • Emma Roberts
  • Bella Hadid
  • Jessica Alba
  • Jessica Biel 
  • Jourdan Dunn 
  • Kate Hudson 
  • Rihanna
  • Sienna Miller 
  • Beyonce
  • Kate Middleton

What Hairstyles Suit Oval Faces?

Think you have an oval face shape? Well, you’re in for an easy ride. Thanks to your face’s perfect symmetry, an oval face suits almost ANY hairstyle and cut! Lucky you! But there are certain hairstyles over others that accentuate your perfect features to the MAX.

OK, tell me more…

The best hairstyles for oval faces show off the seamless shape of your face, whilst adding structure to make your cheekbones POP. 

If you’re wondering what hair length looks best on oval faces, any type of layered cut, or chin-length style to frame your features will look gorgeous. Short hairstyles, and updos with your hair pulled off your face, additionally allow your beautiful features to shiiiine.

What Hairstyles Should Oval Faces Avoid?

Um, none? OK – maybe some. 

A super long, straight style with no layers and a middle parting may drag your face down. But the simple solution? Just add layers, waves or a fringe to break the look up.

Also, maybe avoid hairstyles that hide your face. These types of hairstyles aren’t necessarily unflattering – just… why hide a face as perfect as yours babe?! 

OK let’s dive in – the 10 best hairstyles for oval faces are:

The Best Short Hairstyle For An Oval Faces

The Pixie Crop

Oval faces are MADE for short hairstyles. Cropped bonces perfectly accentuate your features without competing for attention. But, if you’re wondering what exactly is the best short hairstyle for an oval face then the cute pixie crop beautifully highlights the natural beauty of your balanced face shape. Think Charlize Theron, Zoe Kravitz and Mia Farrow.

The Best Bob Hairstyle For An Oval Face

The Blunt Bob 

Another super flattering hairstyle for those blessed with perfect symmetry. The bob is also one of the best hairstyles for oval faces. What hair length looks best on oval faces? Go for the one-length bob. This haircut will sharpen your features whilst accentuating your graceful face shape. A chin-length style, or one or two inches lower, will beautifully hug the jawline and draw attention to your elegant chin. Models Kaia Gerber and Karlie Kloss are fans of the blunt bob – what better hairstyle to show off a beautifully proportioned model-like face?

The Best Medium Length Hairstyle For An Oval Face

The Lob 

Do you have medium length hair? Great news - this length offers the perfect frame for your neat oval face. Amp up your sophistication levels to the max and opt for a sleek, shoulder-length lob with a deep side parting. Think Emma Stone at awards ceremony season. This length is short enough to avoid elongating your face, whilst staying ultra-chic and feminine.

The Best Long Hairstyle For An Oval Face

Long Layers 

As mentioned above, oval faces can get away with almost any hairstyle, but when you enter long tresses territory just follow one simple rule: Ask your hairdresser to cut long layers into your hair to keep your face lifted. These types of layers accentuate your cheekbones, rather than dragging them down.

Take Sienna Miller. The actress’s boho layers and sharp cheekbones are proof this face chiselling hairstyle WORKS. Who needs face contouring kits when you have artfully placed layers in your hair?

The Best Hairstyles For Fine Hair And Oval Face

The Shag 

Meet The Shag. Hip model, Freja Beha Erichsen has been rocking this look for the best part of a decade, but it’s about to become one of the trendiest haircuts of 2021. Influencers everywhere are beginning to sport this rock n roll inspired hairstyle. And the good news? It’s one of the best hairstyles for oval faces with thin hair. Thanks to its mid-length style and tons of short layers around the face and sides, the Shag creates a lifted, airy effect all over.

The Best Hairstyle For An Oval Face With Thick Hair

The 90s Blow-Dry

Those gifted with a bountiful bonce understand long layers are YOUR BFF. They thin out the hair’s texture without adding width. Aaaand long layers are one of the best hairstyles for oval faces – so you’re in luck here. Make the most of your fabulous texture and channel a Cindy Crawford glamour with a 90s blow-dry.

Prep your hair with volumising spray and blow-dry sections of the hair backwards with a large barrel brush. Flip your hair to the side and finish with a shine spray for a sleek yet bouncy vibe. K-Middy is also a fan of this style. If it’s good enough for supermodels and royalty, it’s good enough for us.

The Best Hairstyles For An Oval Face With Wavy Hair

Long Polished Waves

Long polished waves look STUNNING on oval faces. Great news if you have wavy hair, as the natural texture of your locks holds loose, tumbling curls beautifully. What hair length looks best on oval faces? Any, but this is the perfect hairstyle for oval faces with long hair. Why? Because the curving silhouette of your hair keeps your face lifted, as opposed to being dragged down by a straight style.

Jessica Alba is one of the most gorgeous celebrities with oval faces, so she knows a thing or two about how to look HOT. And she regularly sports this gorgeous, long wavy hairstyle to accentuate her pretty oval face. Take notes guys. Tip: If you’re not blessed with long, luscious waves – why not try Wavy Hair Extensions?

The Best Hairstyle For An Oval Face With Curly/Afro Hair

Round Curly Layers 

Michelle Breyer and Gretchen Heber from the Naturally Curly website state that the triangle silhouette is the BANE of most curly-haired lovelies. Not a good look for ANY face shape.

What’s the solution? The two stylists suggest round layers around your face to reduce the bulk. This is also one of the best hairstyles for oval faces with curly hair as your enviable ringlets will eloquently frame your face. Think Rihanna, or Mel B in her Scary Spice days.

The Best Hairstyle For An Oval Face With Braided Hair

Cornrows Braid

Cornrow braids are the bomb for gals with long hair and oval faces. Why? The texture and dimension of your braids create depth whilst staying sleek and sophisticated. Go for a deep side parting to avoid excessively elongating your face. Alternatively, pulling your braids up into a high ponytail, a la Beyonce, will show off your perfect oval face beautifully. Use one of our pony tail hair extensions to get the look!

The Best Fringe For An Oval Face

The Blunt Bang

Surprise, surprise! Oval faces can get away with ANY fringe type.

But we reckon the best fringe for an oval face is the blunt bang. Some oval faces can have large foreheads, so the cropped length of this fringe can minimise this area.

Additionally, a blunt bang can add a certain edginess to oval faces with long hair. The graphic style keeps your face looking lifted and fresh. Just take a look at supermodel Naomi Campbell – can you believe this babe is in her 50s?

Prep your hair with volumising spray and blow-dry sections of the hair backwards with a large barrel brush. Flip your hair to the side and finish with a shine spray for a sleek yet bouncy vibe. K-Middy is also a fan of this style. If it’s good enough for supermodels and royalty, it’s good enough for us.

Not sure if you want to commit to a fringe? Why not add in a Clip-in Fringe for a commitment-free, brand new style?


Finding the most flattering hairstyles for oval faces is a game-changer when it comes to accentuating your features and achieving a balanced, beautiful look. With so many oval face haircuts and style options, this guide has shown you how to make the most of your versatile face shape. From effortless waves to sleek bobs, there are countless possibilities to explore. To truly elevate your style, consider incorporating hair extensions for oval faces. Our premium extensions can enhance your new look by adding volume, length, and a polished, salon-quality finish.

Benefit from expert advice on selecting the best hairstyles for oval face shape and enjoy a flawless finish. Shop our luxury Remy human hair extensions today, including clip ins and permanents, as well has haircare and accessories to bring your new look to life!


Soikea kasvojen muoto on yksi monipuolisimmista, joten voit kokeilla erilaisia ​​tyylejä. Voit rokata mitä tahansa pitkistä, virtaavista kerroksista, jotka korostavat luonnollista luurakennettasi, sulaviin bobeihin, jotka kehystävät kasvosi kauniisti. Tyylit, kuten pehmeät aallot, olkapäille ulottuvat leikkaukset ja jopa pixie-leikkaukset, toimivat upeasti. Tärkeintä on parantaa luonnollista tasapainoasi ja korostaa parhaita ominaisuuksiasi. Soikeat kasvojen imartelevat hiustyylit sisältävät myös sivuttain pyyhkäistyt tyylit ja suuret kiharat, jotka lisäävät ulottuvuutta.

Kyllä, otsatukka voi näyttää upeilta soikeilla kasvoilla! Soikean kasvojen muodon paras puoli on, että voit kokeilla erilaisia ​​otsatukkatyyppejä. Tylsät, suorat otsatukkaat luovat rohkean ilmeen, kun taas sivuttain pyyhkäistyt otsatukka lisää ripauksen pehmeyttä. Ohut tai verhotukka ovat myös loistavia vaihtoehtoja, jos haluat kehystää kasvosi hienovaraisesti. Kyse on tyylin valitsemisesta, joka sopii hiusten kokonaispituuteen ja täydentää ominaisuuksiasi. Jos haluat kokeilla otsatukkaa, mutta et ole vielä tarpeeksi rohkea tekemään sitä, voit kokeilla niitä imartelevamme klipsi hapsussa!

Soikeat kasvot näyttävät upeilta erilaisilla upposilla. Korkeat pullat, tyylikkäät chignonit ja tyylikkäät poninhännät toimivat hyvin, sillä ne korostavat tasapainoisia mittasuhteitasi. Löysät, romanttiset upposed kasvojen kehystyslangoilla voivat myös lisätä ripauksen pehmeyttä. Jos haluat lisää volyymia, kokeile pörröistä, kuvioitua pullaa tai punottua kruunua. Hiustenpidennykset voivat olla loistava lisä, jos haluat lisätä volyymia tai luoda monimutkaisempia tyylejä.

Vaikka soikeat kasvot voivat irrottaa useimmat hiustyylit, joitain on syytä lähestyä varoen. Erittäin pitkät, suorat hiukset ilman kerroksia tai liikettä voivat pidentää kasvojasi tarpeettomasti. Vastaavasti tyylit, jotka peittävät luonnollisen luurakenteen, kuten raskaat, ylivoimaiset otsatukka tai liian paksut hiukset, jotka peittävät piirteitäsi, voivat heikentää kasvosi luonnollista tasapainoa. On parasta valita tyylejä, jotka lisäävät luonnollista symmetriaasi sen sijaan, että ne varjostavat.

Etsitkö virheetöntä, salonkitasoista hiusta ilman, että budjetti kärsii? Cliphairilla meillä on sinut katettu ylellisillä klipsipidennyksillä nopeisiin muunnoksiin ja pysyville hiuspidennyksille kuten teippipidennyksille, nano-renkaille ja kudontapidennyksille pitkäkestoista loistoa varten. Pidennykset vaativat erityistä hoitoa ja ylläpitoa.
säilyttääksemme niiden laadun, minkä vuoksi meillä on kaikki huippuluokan kosteuttavat hiustenhoitotuotteet, välttämättömät tarvikkeet ja huoltotarvikkeet, joita tarvitaan tyylisi ylläpitämiseen.

Tarvitsetko täydellisen sävyn? Selaa koko valikoima ihmishiuspidennyksiämme yli 70 rikkaassa, silkkisessä sävyssä tai tutustu ILMAISEEN Pikaväriottelupalveluumme varmistaaksesi saumattoman yhdistämisen joka kerta. Keskustele ystävällisten asiantuntijoidemme tiimin kanssa, joka ottaa sinuun yhteyttä täydellisen sävyn kanssa alle 48 tunnissa, tai selaa Lookbookiamme nähdäksesi uusimmat hiustyylit Cliphair-yhteisön käytössä. Nopeasta pituudesta pitkäaikaiseen volyymiin, Cliphair on sinun valintasi hiuksille, joissa on poikkeuksellinen laatu ja loputtomat mahdollisuudet! 

Authored By Sophie Gardner
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