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Which Hair Straightener Is The Best?

Finding the right hair products can be a long, frustrating process, but choosing a styling tool like a hair straightener should be simpler and long-lasting. However, with so many options available, selecting the right one –especially if you have unique hair needs or wear real hair extensions – can be overwhelming.

This hair straightener buying guide is designed for individuals searching for the best hair straightener tailored to their specific hair type, whether it’s fine, thick, curly, or somewhere in between. Our guide provides expert insights into hair straighteners for every hair type, from the best hair straighteners for fine hair that minimise heat damage to the best hair straighteners for thick hair that offer powerful yet gentle results. Ready to make an informed decision? Let our recommendations guide you to your perfect match!

What Are The Best Hair Straighteners?

Well, this is the one million dollars question. Let’s start by saying that there is no right or wrong answer - every hair straightener meets different needs for different users. There are many factors that come into play when choosing the right hair straightener for you - such as your hair type (thick and thin hair have very different heat resistance!) and your hair texture (curly hair and straight hair react differently to the styling process).

What Is The Best Straightener For Thick Hair?

If you’ve been blessed with glorious, thick tresses then you’ll be happy to know that you don’t have to necessarily fear turning the heat up a little. We always recommend to keep your temperature settings down to the minimum, to minimise any potential damage to your strands - however, thick hair can sometimes make an exception, as it can struggle in getting straightened in one go. Looking for the perfect hair straightener for thick hair? Then look no further than these options selected for you.

Best Overall: CHI by CHI Original 1'' Ceramic Hairstyling Iron

Thick and coarse hair requires special attention, and I know it. Chi Original Ceramic Hairstyling Iron saved up on budget by removing the temperature settings, knowing that your hair type will likely need to stick to higher heat levels. This hair straightening soldier has ceramic plates and goes full-heat in under 30 seconds.

Best On A Budget:  Remington Shine Therapy Argan Oil & Keratin 1-Inch Flat Iron

Not much to say about this product, it’s an easy and cheap option that outperforms a lot of triple-digits competitors. Only problem is, some people complain about it not feeling very tight when closing on the strands. For this price, and considering how this product gets the job done, I wouldn’t consider it a concern.

Best Luxury: Harry Josh Pro Tools Ceramic Flat Styling Iron 1.25-Inch

Accurate, precise adjustable heat settings and ceramic tourmaline plates make the smooth glide of this hair straightener a promise for your tresses. Its 11 digital heat presets are designed to accommodate the needs of any type of hair you can think of: fine, coloured, treated, thick or curly.

What Is The Best Straightener For Curly Hair?

Curly hair has its very own needs, especially when it comes to heat-based styling tools. The natural shape of curls make it harder for your strands to retain moisture, so when applying extra heat that could potentially lead your strands to dry out and break, it’s important that you follow every step for safe straightening and choose the right product. Let’s see together which hair straightener for curly hair to pick.

Best Overall: BaBylissPRO Nano Titanium-Plated Ionic Straightening Iron

What to say about this tool? It heats up fast, and it has an extra advantage: its large plates! In fact, it can make your styling process quicker by holding larger strands, potentially reducing the number of strokes you’ll need. Price-wise it stays in the fairly affordable range, making it a great product with balanced price and quality ratio.

Best On A Budget: Andis Hot Comb

Women with thick, coarse hair have been using hot combs way before the electrical sort was invented. Some people still use the old school method, heating it up on a stove. Electrical hot combs are safer, meaning that their temperature will be regulated, and they’re a much cheaper option to ease up your curls.

Best Luxury: ghd Platinum+

Ghd is the brand that revolutionised the world of hair styling and hair straightening. To purists, this is the only acceptable brand when it comes to hair straighteners, and although the brand’s fame might be a biassing factor, I have to admit that ghd is worth every penny. The Platinum+ features floating plates for a glossy finish, and it’s a very lightweight option to take with you on holiday too.

What Is The Best Straightener For Fine Hair?

Fine hair requires special care, as it can easily become prone to breakage. Usually heat-based styling tools are not recommended for this type of hair in general, but if you really can’t renounce your occasional hot styling, then make sure you go for the right product and remember to use your heat protectant spray. You can get yours now from our hair care products range. Keep on reading and find your best hair straightener for fine hair!

Best Overall: Amika The Confidante Moisture Maintenance Styler

Medium range price and hi-tech smoothing technique, these are the secret weapons of this hair straightener. With tourmaline plates and cuticle-smoothing negative ions, this flat iron promises to help your strands retain precious moisture, for a long-lasting hold on styling without drying your tresses out.

Best On A Budget: Drybar Tiny Tress Press Detailing Iron

This pocket-sized flat iron was designed to put to their place hairs that are just like itself: small and stubborn! It can catch even the finest hair and help you style your strands from root to end, without risking scalding your scalp. If you’re always on the go, you’ll be happy to know that this tiny but mighty styling tool comes with a travel pouch that you can also use as a double heat protection pad.

Best Luxury: Dyson Corrale

Let’s be honest, anything Dyson screams “fancy”, and for a reason. This hair straightener is one of the most expensive available on the market, but it also features a unique technology to it, with flexing copper plates that shape to gather your hair with less heat - therefore, less heat damage. This hair tool is the ideal straightening companion for fine haired people, each stroke of Dyson Corrale will leave your hair feeling smooth and silky.


Whether you’re searching for the best hair straighteners for fine, delicate strands or the most effective straighteners for thick, unruly locks, our hair straightener buying guide is here to help. We cover hair straighteners for every hair type including human hair extensions, ensuring you can achieve a sleek, polished look that lasts.

And for those using Cliphair’s extensions, we have expert advice to help you maximise your new styling tool. Pair it with a curated selection of our top-quality hair extensions, designed to blend seamlessly and complement your look. Enhance your routine even further with our recommended Top Hair Care Products for Extensions to keep your extensions in perfect condition.

Ready to complete your styling routine? Shop our range of top-quality hair extensions and find the perfect match for your new hair straightener today!

Vanlige spørsmål

Rettetange kommer i ulike typer for å dekke ulike hårbehov. De vanligste typene er rettetang i keramikk, titan og turmalin. Keramiske rettetang fordeler varmen jevnt og er skånsomme mot håret, noe som gjør dem ideelle for fint eller skadet hår. Titanium rettetang varmes raskt opp og opprettholder en jevn temperatur, som er perfekt for tykt eller grovt hår. Turmalin rettetang avgir negative ioner som reduserer krus og gir glans, noe som gjør dem flotte for å oppnå en jevn finish, spesielt på krøllete eller krøllete hår. Det finnes også damp rettetang som bruker fuktighet for å beskytte håret mot varmeskader og rettebørster for rask og enkel styling.

For å velge riktig rettetang for din hårtype, vurder hårets tykkelse, tekstur og helse. For fint eller tynt hår, velg en keramisk rettetang som jevnt fordeler varmen og reduserer risikoen for skade. Har du tykt eller grovt hår vil en titanium rettetang fungere best, da den gir høyere varme og trenger mer effektivt inn i håret. De med krøllete eller krusete hår kan ha nytte av en turmalin rettetang, som hjelper til med å jevne ut og kontrollere kruset hår. Hvis håret ditt er utsatt for skade eller tørrhet eller du bruker rettetang på hårforlengelser, se etter en rettetang med justerbare varmeinnstillinger for å bruke lavere temperaturer, og husk alltid å bruke noen spritzer av vår Varmebeskyttelsesspray før styling.

Når du kjøper en rettetang, se etter funksjoner som best beskytter håret ditt og forbedrer stylingresultatene. Justerbare varmeinnstillinger er avgjørende slik at du kan tilpasse temperaturen til hårets behov og minimere skade. Flytende plater sikrer jevnt trykk på håret, og reduserer brudd. Ionisk teknologi bidrar til å redusere krus og forbedrer glansen. En rask oppvarmingstid er praktisk for rask styling, og en automatisk avstengingsfunksjon gir sikkerhet. Hvis du reiser ofte, er en kompakt design med dobbel spenningskompatibilitet et praktisk valg. I tillegg bør du vurdere rettetangens platestørrelse; bredere plater er bedre for langt, tykt hår, mens smalere plater fungerer bra for kort eller fint hår.

Den beste temperaturinnstillingen for rettetangen din avhenger av hårtype og tilstand. For fint, tynt eller skadet hår, bruk en lavere temperatur på 180°C for å unngå brudd. For tykt, grovt eller krøllete hår kan en høyere temperatur på 200°C til 220°C være nødvendig for effektiv utretting. Start alltid ved lavere temperatur og øk gradvis om nødvendig, mens du bruker vår Varmebeskyttelsesspray for å beskytte håret mot skade.

Ser du etter feilfritt, salongverdig hår uten å tømme lommeboken? Hos Cliphair har vi det du trenger med luksuriøse clip-in extensions for raske transformasjoner og permanente hårforlengelser som tape-ins, nano ringer og vever for langvarig glam. Forlengelser krever spesiell pleie og vedlikehold.
for å bevare kvaliteten deres, og derfor har vi alle de førsteklasses fuktighetsgivende hårpleieproduktene, essensielle tilbehør og vedlikeholdsproduktene du må ha for å holde stilen din på topp.

Trenger du den perfekte nyansen? Bla gjennom vårt komplette utvalg av menneskehår-extensions i over 70 rike, silkeaktige nyanser  eller sjekk ut vår GRATIS Express Farge Match Service  for å sikre en sømløs blanding hver gang. Chat med vårt vennlige ekspertteam som vil kontakte deg med en perfekt match på mindre enn 48 timer, eller bla gjennom vår Lookbook for de nyeste hårlookene brukt av Cliphair-samfunnet. Fra umiddelbar lengde til langvarig volum, Cliphair er din go-to for hår med eksepsjonell kvalitet og uendelige muligheter! 

Authored By Brenda L.
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